I. Definitions and General Policy
II. Possession and Ownership
III. Adverse Possession: Possession for a statutorily prescribed period of time can, if certain elements are met, ripen into title. Where jus tertii can give possessor rights against trespassers, adverse possession can give possessor rights against true owner.
IV. Ownership of Lands and Natural Resources
V. Water Rights: Two systems for allocating water from water courses (streams, rivers, lakes)
VI. Land Conveyancing
VII. Estates in Land, aka “feudal interests” (future interests are in another video)
VIII. Concurrent Estates (law of co-ownership): Three types of concurrent estates
IX. Landlord Tenant Law:
X. Nuisance: The substantial, intentional, and unreasonable interference w/another’s use and enjoyment of land. Nuisance Law = Neighbor Law.
XI. Servitudes: Easements and Covenants
XII. Zoning: Pursuant to its police powers, gov’t may enact statutes to reasonably control land use. Must be authorized by state action (i.e. a Zoning Enabling Act).
XIII. Takings (Imminent Domain): The Gov’ts 5th amendment power to take private property for public use in exchange for just compensation.
XIV. What Is Property Anyway? A second look.