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October 31, 2003

The Persistence of Howard Dean:
Is Dean all about certitude, combativeness, and impatience? Perhaps, but what I think people find appealing is the way he translates these traits into hope and vision. He's certain a better world is possible, he's willing and able to fight for it, and he's ready for it to happen. So am I.
Posted by ambimb at 06:54 AM

October 28, 2003

The Great Library of Amazonia:
Book lovers rejoice! Amazon now lets you search the full text of over 120,000 books!
Posted by ambimb at 06:23 AM

October 27, 2003

Clark’s entrance doesn’t affect Dean’s lead:
Well of course it doesn't. Dean supporters want different, Clark's turning out to just be more of the same. Too bad; he really seemed to have promise. I still think he'd be a killer choice for VP...
Posted by ambimb at 09:58 PM

October 24, 2003

Wal-Mart knowingly employs illegal workers:
This is only the tip of an iceberg; Wal-Mart may not engage in a lot of other illegal activity, but it's certainly not good for U.S. workers. Maybe now people realize all those "everyday low prices" come at the cost of socially just business practices.
Posted by ambimb at 06:19 AM

October 23, 2003

Tired of fighting off new viruses? Get a Mac!
Hey, when the Wall Street Journal recommends it, how can you resist?
Posted by ambimb at 04:55 PM

October 22, 2003

New iBooks get G4 processors:
Too bad the 12" is only offered at 800 Mhz, and no option for a super-drive. 1 Ghz G4 eMacs now start at $799, though. That's kind of insane.
Posted by ambimb at 04:17 PM

R.I.P. Elliot Smith:
What a tragic waste; he was only 34 years old! Is the line between rocking and hurting really so thin?
Posted by ambimb at 04:14 PM

October 21, 2003

When spam is outlawed, only outlaws will spam:
An examination of California's attempts to ban spam. Of interest to 1Ls because it reviews key provisions of personal jurisdiction, service of process, the commerce clause, and more!
Posted by ambimb at 05:31 PM

ABA threatens CU law school with loss of accreditation:
This seems crazy. How important is a building to a good legal education? A robust and diverse faculty is another matter, though. [link via jd2b]
Posted by ambimb at 07:10 AM

Interesting things we've learned from Republicans lately:
Yes yes, but "foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds," kids.
Posted by ambimb at 06:53 AM

October 20, 2003

Irony in Apple's deal with Pepsi is hard to miss:
Oh yes, it was John Sculley, former CEO of Pepsi, who kicked Steve Jobs out of Apple. But corporations don't seem to often let grudges stand in the way of profit, even if they are corporations run by the notoriously controlling Steve Jobs.
Posted by ambimb at 07:51 PM

Dean on Bush:
A few zingers, including: "[Bush's] view of life starts at about $250,000 a year and goes up."
Posted by ambimb at 06:57 PM

iTunes for Windows—Apple's hidden agenda:
Ah yes, the "trojan horse." Well, it worked for Microsoft, didn't it?
Posted by ambimb at 06:42 PM

Democrats set to filibuster class action bill:
So much ambivalence here I'm not sure what to make of it.
Posted by ambimb at 06:40 PM

Howard is More than just Hype:
Real or schtick to get votes? I hope we get the chance to find out.
Posted by ambimb at 04:21 PM

October 16, 2003

Wesley Clinton?
Will the former General give Bush a boost by inflaming Bush's Clinton-hating base?
Posted by ambimb at 07:02 AM

October 14, 2003

SCOTUS to Decide Pledge Case:
They'll hear the case "sometime next year," but will they make a decision before the Nov. elections? And how will the campaigns play this? I'm thinking it could be ugly...
Posted by ambimb at 01:22 PM

Justices Reject Govt. Medical Marijuana Appeal:
Hooray!! Strike a vote for sanity in the midst of the so-called "war on drugs."
Posted by ambimb at 01:18 PM

School board weights "intelligent design":
Ok, this is not smart, but isn't "Wyoming Taliban" taking things a bit far?
Posted by ambimb at 07:39 AM

Many Soldiers, Same Letter:
Gee, I guess the Bush and Co. PR strategy has a longer reach than we thought.
Posted by ambimb at 07:22 AM

Grocers, Union set for prolonged strike:
Roll the union on!
Posted by ambimb at 07:21 AM

The 100 greatest novels of all time:
Man, I've only read a quarter of these; obviously, this is a bad list. ;-)
Posted by ambimb at 07:19 AM

Bush approval rating back up:
"President Bush's job approval rating, which had slumped in several recent polls, has bounced back to 56 percent in a CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll released Monday." Why?
Posted by ambimb at 07:15 AM

October 13, 2003

Dude, You voted for Arnold:
Why did people vote for Arnold? Maybe because he's "cut"? Maybe because they wanted to support corporate fraud? [links via SuperD and boy]
Posted by ambimb at 06:58 AM

Lost jobs won't come back:
It's no longer a "jobless recovery," it's now a "job loss recovery." Next time someone points to the Dow or the Nasdaq and tries to convince you things are getting better, ask him/her about how that relates to the 2.7 million jobs that won't be coming back.
Posted by ambimb at 06:34 AM

Poor left behind as courts go high-tech:
This is not an unsolvable problem, but do enough people care?
Posted by ambimb at 06:31 AM

October 12, 2003

10 Things to Dig About Panther:
A rundown of the best bits in the all new Mac OS. Oct. 24 is only a week from this Friday, you know.
Posted by ambimb at 10:23 PM

Threat of lawsuit passes for student:
The fact that SunnComm could even make a credible threat of a lawsuit is an example of why the DMCA is such fundamentally bad law.
Posted by ambimb at 08:41 AM

You have to see this. This is why so much craziness happens—it's just too crazy for the human mind to understand.
Posted by ambimb at 08:35 AM

70,000 SoCal grocery clerks on strike:
Thanks, Wal-Mart! Your "everyday low prices" deliver misery to millions! Hooray!
Posted by ambimb at 08:17 AM

Many women are starved for sleep:
Hmm. Sounds plausible, in which case it's a good thing someone's starting to pay attention. But could this also be just another way for pharma companies to sell more drugs?
Posted by ambimb at 08:14 AM

October 11, 2003

IBM emancipates 8,000 wage slaves:
I bet IBM would love to spin it this way, but we're not quite that stupid. Not yet, anyway.
Posted by ambimb at 07:15 AM

October 10, 2003

Mac ax of choice among bloggers:
Well, duh. ;-) [link via Scripting News]
Posted by ambimb at 09:25 PM

Democratic hopefuls blast Bush in debate:
To be fair, they blasted each other some, too...
Posted by ambimb at 08:53 PM

Limbaugh admits addiction to pain medication:
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Maybe Rush and Bill Bennet should get together to pop pills and gamble!
Posted by ambimb at 05:19 PM

October 09, 2003

iTunes for Windows may arrive next week:
Apparently Apple may also introduce two iPod peripherals, but don't get too excited—rumors about Apple's unannounced products are notoriously inflated. One thing is certain, though: Panther pounces 10/24; I might even be there. Check out Exposéwow!
Posted by ambimb at 04:05 PM

Catholic churches say condoms don't stop AIDS:
I'm all for religious freedom and tolerance, but let's get real here.
Posted by ambimb at 03:49 PM

October 08, 2003

Campaign manager for Wesley Clark resigns:
So the rumors are true: the DNC fatheads are trying to destroy all of Clark's grassroots support. Um hello? Gore already proved you can't win that way! Learn from your mistakes, kids!
Posted by ambimb at 08:31 PM

Male contraceptive results show promise:
It's about time...
Posted by ambimb at 08:22 PM

Answers please, Mr. Bush:
Michael Moore is on the case, and his new book is number one at Amazon.
Posted by ambimb at 07:05 AM

October 07, 2003

Bush pens a poem:
How is it a term of endearment to call your wife "a lump in the bed"?
Posted by ambimb at 07:07 AM

How do electronic voting machines threaten democracy?
Researcher Bev Harris counts the ways.
Posted by ambimb at 07:01 AM

Tiger attack may cost Mirage huge loss:
Uh, yeah, that's right, the most important thing here is the bottom line.
Posted by ambimb at 06:57 AM

Bob Graham ends presidential campaign:
He's a class act, and it's kind of sad to see him go, but the field will definitely have to be narrowed somehow.
Posted by ambimb at 06:52 AM

October 06, 2003

Companies lining up for huge laptop order:
Michigan's buying 130,000 laptops, one for every 6th grader. The decision is simple: iBook good. Inspiron bad.
Posted by ambimb at 07:19 PM

Preserved Passenger Pigeon is Unveiled:
Tragic how quickly we can destroy every single iteration of a species.
Posted by ambimb at 07:14 PM

The Spin is Not Holding:
David Corn thinks the Bush teflon has turned into swiss cheese.
Posted by ambimb at 07:45 AM

October 04, 2003

Lick me, I'm a Macintosh:
"What the hell does Apple think they're hawking here, art?" Yeah, it's like that.
Posted by ambimb at 08:34 AM

Internet Explorer Vulnerability Exploited Again
Surprise surprise...
Posted by ambimb at 08:23 AM

October 03, 2003

Apple to overhaul iBook product line:
It's just a rumor, but new form factor and 1.1Ghz would be pretty damned cool.
Posted by ambimb at 01:50 PM

Nader undecided on presidential bid:
Please Ralph, don't run!
Posted by ambimb at 07:07 AM

Microsoft faces class action over virus crashes:
Veeeeery interrreeesting...
Posted by ambimb at 07:04 AM

Poll shows increased doubts about Iraq war, Bush:
Bush now has a 44% approval rating and dropping. Boo hoo for the Great Misleader.
Posted by ambimb at 06:50 AM

October 02, 2003

Empower Play: The Pitch that works for Dean:
"Most politicians treat voters like consumers," said Karen Hicks, Dean's New Hampshire state director. "Dean treats people like participants."
Posted by ambimb at 07:34 AM

Environmentalist Attacks Hit Suburbs:
"Now they're are moving from a save-the-wilderness focus to an anti-capitalist focus." What's the difference?
Posted by ambimb at 07:29 AM

October 01, 2003

Bush, Dean Sail to New Fund-Raising Records:
Dean's average contribution was approx. $80. Bush's average contribution? We'll probably never know, but I'd bet it's darn near $2000.
Posted by ambimb at 06:24 AM

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