December 18, 2003
Progressive Internationalism: A democratic security strategy:
The Progressive Policy Institute stakes a claim on " the vital center between the neo-imperial right and the non-interventionist left, between a view that assumes that our might always makes us right and one that assumes that because America is strong it must be wrong."
Posted by mowabb at
01:45 PM
Diebold run by convicted felons:
I'm all for giving people a second chance, but Diebold is way too dodgy for many other reasons for this not to seem suspicious.
Posted by mowabb at
01:40 PM
Kidman almost passed up Oscar-Winning Role:
"Thank god for Virginai Woolf."
Posted by mowabb at
01:37 PM
Bank robber loses "stupidity" appeal:
You mean "stupidity" isn't a defense? Man, that's good to know...
Posted by mowabb at
07:52 AM
December 17, 2003
Gephardt's Reform Values:
Is the Gephardt campaign involved in the attack ads against Dean?
Posted by mowabb at
10:13 AM
Battle to control Internet threatens open access:
Michael Copps is fighting the good fight for the FCC (against its chairman and his toadies, really); definitely someone to listen to.
Posted by mowabb at
10:08 AM
Judge rejects Bush's Yellowstone snowmobile plan:
Thank goodness for small favors and smart judges. It's always bad policy to try to woo voters by giving them the right to pollute and destroy the environment.
Posted by mowabb at
09:29 AM
December 16, 2003
Happy Birthday, Mac!
"In all its iterations since it was introduced to the world in January 1984 . . . the world's most persistent computer brand has done the most for all computer users."
What would computers (and operating systems) be like if the Mac had never come along? I shudder to think...
Posted by mowabb at
07:36 AM
December 15, 2003
Supreme Court to Hear Cheney Energy Case:
Separation of powers my ass. Cheney's a public servant and how he "gets advice" should be open to public scrutiny.
Posted by mowabb at
01:25 PM
Rescuing Democracy:
Good commentary on
Vieth v. Jubelirer. Here's hoping the SCOTUS puts some checks on the gerrymandering madness.
Posted by mowabb at
09:57 AM
December 10, 2003
U.S. frames bullying as health issue:
Here here! It's unhealthy to have the world's biggest bully in the White House! This is a global health issue, don't you think?
Posted by mowabb at
07:00 AM
December 09, 2003
Game, Set, Match?
So Gore is endorsing Dean; is the race for the Democratic nominee over?
Posted by mowabb at
06:42 AM
December 08, 2003
Dean to let judge decide on records:
"What we think the best thing to do is to let the judge go through every single document and decide for himself what ought to be revealed and what not to be revealed," said Dean.
Posted by mowabb at
10:27 AM
Bribes might be more than pork:
Rep. Nick Smith (R-Mich.) says he was "promised substantial amounts of money to his son's congressional campaign if Smith voted for the bill and had threatened to support other candidates if he did not change his vote."
Posted by mowabb at
10:22 AM
No Democracy in Congress:
Listen to Rep. David Obey (Wis.) who says that while the U.S. is busy building democracy in Iraq, it is abandoning democracy in the U.S. Congress where Republicans are making backroom edits to legislation, then forcing them through with bribes of pork. What, that's not how democracy's supposed to work?
Posted by mowabb at
10:17 AM
December 07, 2003
Looking for Skeletons:
A brief survey of the "flap" over Howard Dean's sealed records. Dean seems to be playing the game where he needs to, but he's also trying to change the rules where possible.
Posted by mowabb at
09:25 AM
December 06, 2003
Prosecutor "brutalized" before death:
The story gets worse. So sad...
Posted by mowabb at
02:51 PM
The Bird Was Perfect, But Not For Dinner:
Hmmph. The irony is just dripping here—all Bush has for the troops is symbolic sustenance. Oh, all brought to them by
Halliburton, of course (scroll down a bit to second headline).
Posted by mowabb at
02:30 PM
Poll: Optimism on economy boosts Bush:
Short term gains, or will this be a trend?
Posted by mowabb at
08:28 AM
Conservatives Want Reagan on Dimes:
You have got to be kidding me. Please be kidding. Please?
Posted by mowabb at
06:32 AM
December 05, 2003
Wyoming Weblogs:
Judging from this article, blogs aren't a big deal in Wyoming, but that's just the kind of place it is—the anti-trend state. And that's a good thing. [Link via
Life In A Northern Town.]
Posted by mowabb at
07:21 AM
Counting Cookies:
How many oreos do we really need for weapons and troops? How many oreos would it take to end child starvation? Ben Cohen counts the cookies for ya...
Posted by mowabb at
06:22 AM
December 04, 2003
A cool new "comfort bike."
Posted by mowabb at
07:50 PM
War After the War:
“In a way, success will be if the Iraqis don’t hate us.” —Andrew Erdmann, Iraq’s acting Minister of Higher Education.
Posted by mowabb at
08:04 AM
Pentagon Lets Terror Suspect See Lawyer:
It's about time! Can't wait to hear what the SCOTUS has to say about the Bush Administration's attempts to abolish due process.
Posted by mowabb at
08:01 AM
Gifts for your Right-leaning friends:
Whether you know a "love it or leave it" or a "they hate us for our freedoms" type, this list has the perfect gift for them!
Posted by mowabb at
07:58 AM
December 03, 2003
Hack the Vote:
Another entry in the growing awareness that electronic voting machines that leave no paper trail are not a good way to safeguard democracy.
Posted by mowabb at
09:35 AM
The Liberation Tango:
"The fact is, odds are very high that a fair national election in Iraq would lead to a Shiite takeover and a variant of the Iranian nationalist theocracy that's been in place since the mullahs overthrew the shah, a U.S.-supported dictator."
Posted by mowabb at
06:56 AM
Our Plan for Iraq Vote? Kind of Like Florida:
"We're all for democracy except when it might lead to bottom-up democracy for Muslims."
Posted by mowabb at
06:53 AM
Nader OKs exploratory committee for '04:
For the zillionth time:
Nader, don't run, please!
Posted by mowabb at
06:40 AM
$55 Million Christmas Gift for Troops:
Paying for troops to visit home only seems fair, but we wouldn't need to be spending $55 million more that we don't have on it if we hadn't gone to war in the first place. Right?
Posted by mowabb at
06:36 AM
December 02, 2003
Mile High Lies?
Is the White House telling lies about Shrub's trip to Bahdad? Shocking, isn't it?
Posted by mowabb at
05:15 PM
The Second Coming of Philip K. Dick:
I normally wouldn't dream of paying money to see a Ben Affleck flick, but if it's based on a Dick story, I'm there.
Posted by mowabb at
08:48 AM
iPod's Dirty Secret:
Does the iPod's "unreplaceable" battery really only last for 18 months? Must we all buy an
AppleCare plan for the iPod, as well? (That would make a new battery cost $69, rather than $250.)
Posted by mowabb at
08:26 AM
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