June 29, 2004
MovableType Licenses:
In case you'd like to read the details of what you'll be getting into if you decide to upgrade.
Posted by mowabb at
06:17 AM
June 28, 2004
June 26, 2004
The Dead End of Lesser Evilism:
In an "Open Letter to Ralph Nader" (Feb. 16, 2004),
The Nation rashly predicted: "The odds of this becoming a race between Bush and Bush Lite are almost nil." Famous last words. Whether one calls him Bush Lite or a "kinder and gentler Bush," that is exactly what Kerry has turned out to be. And he more closely resembles the real thing with each passing day.
Posted by mowabb at
09:50 PM
White House Tries to Rein In Scientists:
The request is the latest instance in which the Bush administration has been accused of allowing politics to intrude into once-sacrosanct areas of scientific deliberation.
Posted by mowabb at
08:48 PM
June 25, 2004
SCOTUS Rejects Death Row Appeals:
The US Supreme Court refused to strike down the death sentences of about 100 convicts who argued their punishments should have been decided by a jury instead of a judge.
Posted by mowabb at
06:29 AM
June 24, 2004
Court won't order Cheney papers released:
Justice Scalia refused to apologize for protecting his duck-hunting buddy.
Posted by mowabb at
09:11 PM
June 22, 2004
Kerry/Dean 2004
Why isn't this poll in the headlines?
Posted by mowabb at
09:23 PM
"the phallic equivalent of a scalp"
The story of how President Bush ended up with Saddam Hussein's pistol mounted in his private study off the Oval Office has dribbled out in the last few weeks, and it is a good one.
Posted by mowabb at
09:21 PM
Jason's NYC Subway Rules:
Apply these to the D.C. Metro, as well, please. Stand right, walk left!!!!
Posted by mowabb at
07:48 PM
June 20, 2004
The Plain Truth:
Of all the ways Mr. Bush persuaded Americans to back the invasion of Iraq last year, the most plainly dishonest was his effort to link his war of choice with the battle against terrorists worldwide.
Posted by mowabb at
09:48 AM
Law School Discussion.org:
Talk talk talk (apparently from
Andrew Sinclair, maker of the
Tortfeasor and the new
Miss Feasance t-shirts)
Posted by mowabb at
08:33 AM
Wanted: Legal Superstars:
After three years of belt-tightening, law firms are hotly competing again for lawyers who can defend executives charged with fraud or understand engineering and other highly technical fields.
Posted by mowabb at
08:30 AM
June 19, 2004
Sneak Peak:
Clips from "The Hunting of the President."
Posted by mowabb at
08:54 AM
June 16, 2004
Scientists Demonstrate Teleportation with Atoms:
"There are quite a few implications ... more on the scientific side," Blatt said. "We are far away from beamers, like beam me up Scotty," he added.
Posted by mowabb at
07:37 PM
U.S. Constitution on your iPod:
Have the full Constitution at your fingertips wherever you go, thanks to the American Constitution Society.
Posted by mowabb at
05:34 AM
RSS: The Next Generation:
A roundup of Mac OS newsreaders.
Posted by mowabb at
05:32 AM
June 15, 2004
June 11, 2004
Jet-Powered PDA for Astronauts:
Astronauts really needed something that acted like a 'tricorder' device, like they had on Star Trek," said Gregory Dorais, the robot's program manager.
Posted by mowabb at
07:04 AM
Gmail Swap:
Geeks on the loose: Swap your extra
Gmail invitations for someone's eternal thanks. Then you, too, can be ultra-techno-cool!
Wireless iPod?
Just speculation, but certainly a neat idea. Completely unnecessary, yes, but neat.
Posted by mowabb at
06:57 AM
June 10, 2004
Supersize Me guy has become big cheese:
Only in America could a guy take a movie that cost a mere $65,000 to produce and use it to embarrass and wig out a multibillion-dollar international corporation.
Posted by mowabb at
07:49 AM
Doctors threaten to refuse treatment for plaintiffs' attorneys:
"RESOLVED, That our American Medical Association notify physicians that, except in emergencies and except as otherwise required by law or other professional regulation, it is not unethical to refuse care to plaintiffs' attorneys and their spouses."
Posted by mowabb at
07:47 AM
June 09, 2004
Memo Says Bush Not Restricted by Torture Bans:
"It's like saying the Earth is flat. That's the equivalent of what they're doing with saying that the prohibition of torture doesn't apply to the president," said Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights.
Posted by mowabb at
06:18 AM
Dean Plots Comeback:
Howard Dean has jumped back into this year's elections, urging support for his old nemesis, John Kerry, and promoting himself as a spokesman for the progressive wing in the Democratic Party.
Posted by mowabb at
06:02 AM
Bush turns campaign site into tribute to Reagan:
If you don't think President Bush's campaign is trying to gain political advantage from Ronald Reagan's memory, take a look at his
campaign website.
Posted by mowabb at
05:58 AM
June 08, 2004
Text Messages May Turn Up in Bryant Case:
A few hours after NBA star Kobe Bryant had sex with a Vail-area hotel worker last summer, the woman exchanged cell phone text messages with a former boyfriend and someone else. What's in those messages could help determine whether the sex was consensual or whether Bryant is guilty of rape as charged.
Hello computer forensic specialists!
Posted by mowabb at
05:53 AM
June 07, 2004
What is Judicial Check?
JudicialCheck.com not only allows you to comment and rate other Attorneys, Judges, Expert Witnesses, Law Firms and Law Professor's but also gives you the ability to see what others in our profession are saying about each other. Most importantly, you can see what's being said about YOU.
Posted by mowabb at
05:46 AM
Web Checks for Student Cheating:
The Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen says the Turnitin tool can search 800 million websites and previously submitted work for copying.
Posted by mowabb at
05:37 AM
SCOTUS Justices get richer:
"When you're talking about people who make monumental decisions that are essentially unreviewable ... public confidence is enhanced by broad disclosure,"
Posted by mowabb at
05:37 AM
June 06, 2004
Broken Windows:
Here’s a billion-dollar question: Why are Windows users besieged by security exploits, but Mac users are not?
Posted by mowabb at
12:29 PM
Wal-Mart Growth Subsidized by Taxpayers:
Wal-Mart Stores have enjoyed more than $1 billion in economic development subsidies from state and local governments across the United States, according to a new study released by a Washington, D.C.-based research group.
Posted by mowabb at
09:44 AM
June 05, 2004
Former M$ Employee goes Mac:
I just rid myself of my Windows computer, switching my work to the Mac and OS X because of the reliability it has shown as I’ve added peripherals and other software. I know I won’t waste as much time making the technology simply work. In most ways, OS X is superior to Windows XP.
Posted by mowabb at
01:10 PM
Business Week says iPod needs more partners:
To stare down a raft of new music players, Apple needs to broaden its product line. It should consider forming partnerships to add iPod technology to cell phones and other futuristic devices.
Posted by mowabb at
01:03 PM
Porn 3X more popular than searches:
Online porn sites get about three times more visits than the top Web search engines, including market leader Google Inc., a research firm said Thursday.
Posted by mowabb at
01:01 PM
June 04, 2004
Apple's Newton Just Won't Drop:
The Newton should have gone away, but amazingly, it has kept current, in both hardware and software, thanks to the efforts of Newton enthusiasts. The Newton community is holding steady and may even be growing.
Posted by mowabb at
08:01 PM
Microsoft Patents PDA double-click:
A patent recently obtained by Microsoft for its Palm-sized PC product line is raising concerns among intellectual property experts who say it could be used to demand licensing fees from other mobile-device makers.
Posted by mowabb at
07:02 PM
June 02, 2004
President Bush: Flip-Flopper In Chief:
President Bush's serial flip-flopping raises serious questions about whether Congress and foreign leaders can rely on what he says.
Posted by mowabb at
05:41 AM
June 01, 2004
Who killed Nick Berg?:
"there's something fishy about this video."
More from Aljazeera. [link via
Posted by mowabb at
07:15 AM
From Bush, Unprecedented Negativity:
Bush so far has aired 49,050 negative ads in the top 100 markets, or 75 percent of his advertising. Kerry has run 13,336 negative ads -- or 27 percent of his total.
Posted by mowabb at
06:34 AM
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ambivalent imbroglio]