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August 29, 2005
thisdarkqualm » RIP Rio
Ah, you knew I’d have to answer this. I won’t really defend the iPod mania — I agree that it’s largely irrational. However, I can use an iPod easily w/one hand and I’ve found the clickwheel a very fast and convenient way to navigate through thousands of tracks. How does the Karma do it? My iPod has always had gapless playback, too (I’m pretty sure — it doesn’t pause between songs, if that’s what you mean). But the really bad thing about the iPod is that it only plays mp3 and AAC and that sucks. The iTunes Music Store sucks because of the DRM. I don’t buy from there unless I just must must must have a track ASAP. I’d rather buy the CD and rip it so it will be mine to do whatever I want with. So I agree that it’s sad when good alternatives drop out of the market. I think the iPod is a better player than you give it credit for, and if Apple would only open it up to more formats it really would be a truly great player. But ok, it’s too expensive, too. Still, I’ve argued here before that Apple isn’t really free to do what it wants in this space. For more evidence of that, check out this story about how music companies are trying to manipulate the system even more to their benefit. What is Apple to do?
Posted by mowabb at August 29, 2005 09:12 PM