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September 08, 2005
Lotsawords: 7 Things Right Now
I usually get that whole new goal/reevaluation urge in the spring. The fall is just time to chill and be thankful for cooler temperatures, sunnny days that are so clear you wish they could go on forever, and the beauty of the trees adorned in their most brilliant (non-green colors).
But anyway, I wanted to tell you what we did to stop the morning barking for the dog: Keep an aluminum can beside your bed w/a handful of pennies inside it. Whenever the dog makes a sound you don't like, shake the can loudly a few times. Then again, then again. Try to make the shake seem like a reflex, something that's going to happen every time the dog makes a noise. Pretty soon, the dog will forget it wanted to make noise in the mornings. Worked for our morning barker/whiner, anyway...
Good luck!
Posted by mowabb at September 8, 2005 08:14 AM