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January 28, 2006
Arbitrary and Capricious: WA: pd funding's bad, it's statewide
Here's an idea for the county (and the state): Don't seek death. I love this quote from the article:
“We have 25 homicide cases coming through our system. They are costly, particularly the death penalty cases,” said Harold Delia, administrative consultant for Yakima County courts. “The question is does the community want us to plea those out and save the money or do they want justice? This is what it costs.”
How is it justice to bankrupt communities and waste millions of dollars trying to kill people? Where's the justice in that? And they don't have to “plea” anyone out -- that's not the choice they face. The choice is probably life in prison or death, so Mr. Della is full of crap. I mean, I'm all for giving courts and public defenders plenty of resources to do their jobs well, but throwing millions at prosecution just so the state can kill someone? Fuhgheddaboudit.
Posted by mowabb at January 28, 2006 09:05 AM