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January 29, 2006

buzzwords: Check out how awesome the law students at Georgetown are!

Hey, how come you just get love in your comments about this and I just get heckling? I feel so, um, singled out. Or something. Be that as it may, someone expressed wonder the other day that this Georgetown protest drew so much attention, and it did quite a bit of press. I was thinking the reason for that (and the reason it made so many of us so happy) is that it's so rare that anyone in the Bush administration actually has to see or hear dissent of any kind. As far as we know, they have no clue people protest their every speech and appearance b/c at nearly every appearance the protestors are kept so far on the margins that neither the object of the protest nor the media eyes and ears can even see or hear them. But at this Georgetown event, the protest was loud and clear, front and center. No wonder it gives us hope!

Posted by mowabb at January 29, 2006 08:23 AM