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February 21, 2006
Objective Justice: Banning protests at funerals
Wow, it's hard to believe you can be so unreserved in your support of this. It seems like a fairly complex issue to me. What if you strongly believe that the way to a more peaceful world is to convince soldiers to put down their weapons and refuse to fight? Where do you reach those people to give them that message? One place might be a soldier's funeral where, presumably, there will be other soldiers and families of soldiers who could influence those who fight. It seems kind of likely that your protest would backfire -- the people at the funeral you protest would probably just get mad at you and refuse to listen to your perspective. Thus, this kind of activity might be politically unwise, but should we really ban it? On public property?
And what about other funerals? What if it's not a soldier, but a political leader and all of his/her followers are there? Any sort of demonstration there should also be banned?
Posted by mowabb at February 21, 2006 07:29 AM