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February 07, 2006
Will Work for Favorable Dicta: Instead of prison, you'll come here. Are you through?
This is in the running for best title of a post ever. Or this year, at least.
I feel you exactly on the sort of loneliness or some little animal gnawing away at your happiness constantly. And I think you're exactly right -- it's *anxiety.* Where the hell will we live and what will we do and, well, you didn't say it so I will: How am I going to pay those damnable loans!!!? Confidence? None right now. About anything.
But hey, at least we're not alone in this. Either you and I are screwed up (ok, I admit that's highly probable), or a lot of other 3Ls w/out jobs are just playing “strong silent type” right about now.
Posted by mowabb at February 7, 2006 11:33 AM