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April 17, 2006
Concurring Opinions: Teaching Today's Students
Just one little note about today's law students compared to those from the past: They are paying much more for every minute of class time. If they they think of themselves more as consumers and seem to be more demanding, the fact that they're mortgaging their futures to be there might have something to do with that.
While I admire your attempt to think about how to become a better teacher of law, I'm skeptical of your ability to do so in the current system. Today's model of huge classes will never satisfy students or even challenge most of them. How can one teacher, no matter how dynamic or learned or enthusiastic, possibly engage 100 students at a time w/all their different levels of preparation, different interests, and different questions? It's an impossible situation for you as a professor, and a nearly-criminal ripoff for the student.
Posted by mowabb at April 17, 2006 11:04 AM