June 14, 2006
When is L coming home?

Sisu whines at the camera b/c she misses her pack leader. That makes two of us!
June 10, 2006
Where's L?

Sisu keeps a lookout in case L. should arrive. L. is spending a couple of weeks w/her family in MI so Sisu is anxious to see her again. I've said it before and I'll say it again, L. is the leader of Sisu's pack. (I miss her, too!)
June 05, 2006
Dog Is My Copilot

Sisu sleeps the seat of the truck beside me. The shot at right shows her in another common sleeping position.
One of the really great things about our dog is what a great car traveller she is. She gets pretty antsy and anxious when you start packing up in preparation for a trip, but once you get her in a vehicle moving at a regular pace, she's out like a light. And she'll sleep for hours and hours. If you stop, she wants out, but as soon as you're back on the road, she's back asleep. I think our 24-hour marathon drive sort of pushed her to the limit of her ability to sleep, though. In the last couple of hours she was just laying there but her eyes weren't always closed.
May 01, 2006
On the Alert

Sisu waits outside a store for her person to return. If you didn't know, even though she's supposed to be my dog, I am not Sisu's person. The honor of being leader of the pack belongs to L. I'm just a musher.
Posted by mowabb at
05:34 PM
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February 23, 2006
Sisu Sideways

Sisu relaxing on the bed. L. tells me I take too many pictures of our dog, but what's “too many” when she's this cute?
January 01, 2006
Happy New Year!

Although her expression may look like she's saying "please get this silly hat off of my head!", Sisu actually wishes you the happiest possible 2006. Oh, and I do to!
December 10, 2005
Sisu at Rest

Sisu looks toward the camera only when really relaxed these days.
November 12, 2005
Sisu Triptych

Sisu in three poses w/in about 30 seconds. On the left she's just hanging out, then L. scratches her head so she yawns, and when L. keeps scratching Sisu smiles.
We have the sweetest dog. She's not the most well-behaved because she just goes psycho excited whenever she meets new people, but she is the sweetest, for sure.
October 14, 2005
Tough Sisu

Hey, what are you lookin' at? You wanna piece a me?
October 11, 2005
Sisu Snout

Sisu looks intently at something, but not me.
September 21, 2005
Sisu Likes Hikes

Sisu smiles for the camera (and pants a lot) during our hike at Sky Meadows.
July 03, 2005
Road Dog Sisu

Sisu looking over the back of the front seat on the long drive to Michigan. She doesn't have a lot of room in the back seat because she has to share it with her crate, but she's still a great road dog.
April 20, 2005
Gilded Sisu

Sisu leaps through the late afternoon sunlight. L. and I are so lucky to have a pretty and sweet dog!
February 22, 2005

A dog's paw print in the mud. The warmer spring-like weather D.C. has had recently (alternating with cold and biting winds) has thawed the ground and created a great environment for preserving footprints from all kinds of feet. It reminds of my first winter and spring w/Sisu when I was pulling my hair out over the amount of mud she tracked into the house on a daily basis.
Speaking of Sisu, isn't she cute? I have a few shots of her in this type of late afternoon sunshine which brings out the red and gold tones in her coat. She's such a sweetie.
January 16, 2005
Sisu Smiles

Sisu smiles as L. rubs her head. If you look closely, you'll see the corners of her mouth are pulled up toward her ears and eyes, just like yours do if you smile. Sisu does this almost any time you rub her head, but this time she was smiling so much she couldn't seem to keep her eyes open. It's nice having such a happy dog. At least I hope this is a sign of happiness. I think it must be, because if it was a grimace of pain or something unpleasant, I don't think she'd be content to allow us to rub her head as much as we want. I could be wrong, though.
November 29, 2004
t-i-r-e-d spells it

Sisu squints as she resists waking from her nap. This is what I'm feeling like today after being up most of the night working on a paper that's due later today. The rush is on; it's due in 11 hours. Will The Procrastinator come through in the clinch? Stay tuned, for the next exciting episode!
November 09, 2004
Best Bib

Sisu models a baby bib that would be perfect for the labor activist baby in your life. I found this bib at the
National Labor College where I attended the
Peggy Browning Fund's Sixth Annual National Law Students Workers' Rights Conference a couple of weeks ago. It was a great conference, by the way. If you're a law student, I highly recommend it. If you're not a law student, it's one of the few things I've experienced that might make you want to become one.
Pic I Wish I'd Taken:
Rainbow over Grand Canyon
September 29, 2004
Sisu's View

The view Sisu (our dog) sees looking out through our front gate on a rainy day.
September 26, 2004
Sit, Sisu!

Sisu sits in the park after playing in the creek. I like this picture because she looks like she's listening to me, which happens rarely. ;-)