January 21, 2004

Auction Kick-Off Meeting

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Auction Kick-Off/Info Session tonight. It was great to see so many people interested in the auction! If you didn't get a copy of the info packet, all the files are available for download in PDF form on our Volunteer Information page.

To recap for anyone who missed the meeting or had to leave early:

  • EJF President Jocelyn Stotts opened the meeting and encouraged everyone to come out on Feb. 5 for volunteer training at DC's Employment Justice Center (EJC). The training takes about an hour; once you're trained, you'll be able to volunteer every Wednesday and/or Monday night, so it's a great way to help DC's workers while also logging some great pro-bono hours.
  • Next, Allison Clements talked about the GW Alternative Spring Break she's organizing. Although scheduling is difficult, Allison hopes to get a group together to drive to West Virginia to work in a needy community weather-proofing homes and doing other things the community sorely needs. If you're interested, please contact Allison.
  • Finally, we introduced the concept of the auction. In a nutshell, the auction works like this: As a volunteer, you work with us and other volunteers to secure as many donations of goods, services, and cash as possible from the DC community, your friends, and family. Donations can be gift certificates, movie tickets, free meals, televisions, whatever you can get. Then, on April 8th at 4 p.m., we'll auction everything off at big party with free beer, pizza, and professorial hijinks, and all the proceeds will go toward EJF Grants this summer. As a volunteer, you're taking the first step to be eligible for a grant. The other step is you must get a public interest job for the summer, preferably one that allows you to directly serve indigent clients. That's the nutshell; download the complete info packet for more details.

Our next step toward our goal of having the best EJF Auction ever at GW is to begin soliciting. To get everyone started on the right foot, we're going to begin with group solicitation excursions, most likely starting a week from Friday. Check back here for updates.

Also, if you missed the meeting but are interested in volunteering for the auction, please email Todd Chatman or George Wu to be sure your name is added to our list. We'll send an email to everyone soon with more details about soliciting.

Finally, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions or questions, please email us or post them here by clicking on the comments link below.

Welcome to the 2004 EJF Auction, everyone!

Posted by toddc at January 21, 2004 09:12 PM | TrackBack
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