January 30, 2004

Auction Volunteering Update

George will be leading a solicitation drive today from 1-4pm for those of you who are interested in getting started and want to test the waters in a controlled setting. There are presently two options for the event: (1) the gw/foggy bottom area businesses by foot or (2) Pentagon city via the metro. If you are available to help, please e-mail me at gwu at law dot gwu dot edu. We will meet in the Kelly Lounge (first floor Lerner). For either option, you can skip out after the first hour if you have to, but I prefer if everyone can at least participate for two-hours (three would be ideal). I will provide all the neccessary paperwork, but please do come presentable and with a big smile on your face.

We also need some sober monitors for the actual auction and the only training available to us is on Thursday, February 5, 2004 at 6:30pm. The auction is of course on Thursday, April 8. I am not sure how many hours it will take yet, but if you are interested in helping out, please e-mail me at gwu at law dot gwu dot edu by Sunday, February 1st. We need several people to accomodate the ~300 students we expect and the four hours of the event, so please do come out and help. Both the hours you spend in "sober training" and the hours you spend actually at the auction will count toward your volunteer hours, so this would be a great option for those of you who are less excited about soliciting donations.

Posted by toddc at January 30, 2004 05:21 AM | TrackBack

If I didn't go to the training session for the sober monitors, can I still volunteer to be one?

Posted by: Manuela at February 13, 2004 12:52 PM

Sure. I think all you need to do to be a sober monitor is attend the auction and refrain from drinking. You also probably have to sign something that says you did this, but we can let you know about that at the time. I'll put your name down as a volunteer for this and contact you again when we get closer to the actual date.

Posted by: toddc at February 13, 2004 02:02 PM
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