Damn, this is just like being born! Finally, after all that I have heard about this whole blogging thing, here I am blogging along thanks to the generosity of AI, lovely assistant to the dark and mysterious Lady L. Someday I'll be in a position to stop mooching off my friends. And when I am...
Anyway, back to the initial simile and my reasons for generating yet more text that few, if any, people will read. I'm going to be a DAD! Yep, I sure am and this here thing is to be a record for all my widespread friends and family to see and enjoy from afar (lucky bastards!) the trials and tribulations of a thirty-something couple of over-educated rockers trying to cram themselves into the clothing of parenthood. Kinda sucks to become paternalistic when you've spent most your life rebelling against those kinds of authority (well, mostly me; the wife's a might bit more diplomatic/less curmudgeonly(/prickly/obstinate/judgmental/combative/argumentative...you get the idea) than I am). But hey! Life's always ready to deal you a wild card.
In our case, we had been told that we wouldn't be able to have kids by means not involving some sort of technological intervention. It was really hard at first. We really wanted kids and we recognized that we weren't getting any younger. There was much sorrow, at first. Then we began to realize that perhaps it was for the best. After all, my wife was starting a new job in another city. I was trying desperately to finish my dissertation before my committee gave up whatever slim shred of hope they had for me. We both were beginning to get involved in relocation and starting new lives somewhere else, all that was involved in selling our house, finding a new place, etc. When all the sudden WHAM! we get body checked up against the boards with our face smeared all over the glass, eyes peeled wide cause the pee test has two lines! If you've seen Kill Bill Vol. 2, it was rather like the scene where the Bride discovers that she's pregnant just as the assassin shows up at the door. Frankly, we both felt like someone had come to kill us.
AAGGHH!!! This wasn't supposed to happen! Just when we'd finally resigned ourselves to our seemingly fated existence! Made plans, picked neighborhoods and apartments, worked out arrangements for junk and stuff! AAGGHH!!!
See what I mean about that wild card...
OK, that's enough for now. I got stuff and junk to do. Stay tuned...