ambivalent imbroglio home

About ai

This page was current as of 03-11-05.

General: The imbroglio first began publishing in the summer of 2002. It set out to conquer the world, but gradually realized that the best it could hope for was to conquer itself. Along the way, ai became a little more focused on law and law school, then quite a bit more interested in law school, and then, off it went. In law school, ai is involved in the Equal Justice Foundation, the National Lawyers Guild, and the American Constitution Society, and is a member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Skills Board and a notes editor for the AIPLA (American Intellectual Property Law Association) Quarterly Journal. As a complement to (and break from) those commitments, ai continues to chronicle interesting tidbits about law, law school, higher education (not so much anymore), blogs and blawgs and blogging, mac-related news, and U.S. politics at home and abroad.

In addition to the imbroglio, other ambivalent productions include:

  • ambivalent bits: A linkblog and knowledge blog that appears in the sidebar of ambivalent imbroglio. I generally post interesting bits of political, mac-related, and law-related news that I find interesting or want to remember. I also post items that I want to learn more about or keep track of (hence the "k-blog" aspect).
  • ambivalent images: My photoblog, on which I have been posting at least one photo per day (sometimes two, occasionally more) for the last year.
  • Blawg Wisdom: Another blawg where I attempt to catalog bits of "wisdom" and advice for law students, mostly written by law students with blawgs. If you would like to contribute, please do! Or if there's a topic on which you would like to get some advice related to law school or a a legal-related career, you can also request wisdom.
  • BlawgCoop: The co-op for law-related blogs. If you would like to start a blawg or move your existing blawg to Movable Type or WordPress, BlawgCoop is for you. At just $5/year (possibly less; see site for details), it's a steal of a deal.

Since I started blogging in earnest in the summer of 2002, my writing has also appeared on:

Technical: ai runs Movable Type and is hosted by Dreamhost. Just about all the little tricks on these pages come from MT itself or the MT Plug-In Directory. I got the basic CSS for this page from Blog Styles and (then heavily modified that CSS), the idea for "ambits" from Shameless Self-Promotion, and the magic to skin the site from Joni Electric. ai is produced on an iBook (late 2001, dual USB, 600mhz) running the latest version of OS X, and primarily using PageSpinner Text Wrangler, TextEdit, Fetch, and occasionally Adobe Photoshop® and ImageReady®. Daily posts come via the magic of ecto. Blogging without it would be like tying your shoes without shoelaces. It's just that good.

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This template highly modified from The Style Monkey.