September 08, 2003

Bare Your Bum at Bush!
Those Brits do know how to express themselves, don't they?
Posted at 06:57 AM | Comments (1)


would you like to know what i think about are so called president bush i,ll tell you what i think of him. hes a crook,a lowlife and in my book a menace to america. all he cares about is himself he dont care about the american people. the world trades center a beautful place is gone because of him he knew about the attacks and did nothing about it. he had the florda election fixed the only reason he got to be president is because of his loser father.i mean look at him he studders when he gives a speech he has a tomato nose and hes gay. hes againsit gay marriage the guys a dirty bum. he needs to be stopped. he is not doing the job right. the real president should be al gore an honest man not a dirty crook. he should have been kicked out of office from day one. hes started war in other countries and terror all over the world im not voting for this crooked cock eyed bum on election day im voting for kerry he looks like a good man and a man who keeps his word. he dont even attend the 911 memorial services. he,d rather play golf like he did on the first 911. he did,nt even know what was happening on that sad day. correction the big bastard knew everything that was happening that day. the son of a bitch bastard let it happen. so always remember 911 was because of him and he,ll have to live with that for the rest of his rotten life. THE SON OF A BITCH.

Posted by: shirley fuller at August 25, 2004 09:52 AM