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August 27, 2002

LSAT Schmellsat?

This doesn't seem like a bad way to start down a road toward law: I took the LSAT with zero prep and scored 163. Perhaps with a few weeks of studying, I'll manage to qualify for scholarships somewhere! (Knock on wood.) I'll keep the fingers crossed, buckle down, and pray the logic games start to make some sense soon.

Meanwhile, Sua Sponte points to Waddling Thunder, another 1-L blog of what appears to be a somewhat experimental nature. Still, what fun to view the whole enterprise of law school through these people's eyes. I mean, why should I even bother going, if those ahead of me are going to tell me all about it on their blogs?

Speaking of JCA, she of the strangely captivating blog, I'd put my money on her not really liking the volunteer clinic she's exploring. Call it a guess educated by her previous posts, but I just don't get the idea she's the public interest, law clinic type.

Posted August 27, 2002 10:54 AM | law school

Good guess. :) However, with extracurricular opportunities for 1L's so few and far between, beggars can't be choosers in this case.

You're right that the journal will probably win out over the volunteer clinic, though; the latter consists of mostly receptionist duties for 1L's, while on the former I can actually do real work. Or at least that's how it's been represented to me thus far. :)

Posted by: JCA at August 30, 2002 10:11 AM

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