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December 15, 2002

Two Paths Diverged in the Woods

I went to a party last night where nearly everyone in attendance was an English grad student—most of them further along in the program than I am (or was). In many ways, it's getting harder to hang out with these people who everyday become more dedicated to their profession, while everyday I grow more estranged from it. One of these grads is actually on the job market and just got a call yesterday to set up an interview for MLA. This is an amazing feat; just getting an interview is almost a miracle in a job market like this [thanks to SCW for the link]. According to the Modern Language Association (MLA):

the number of English positions fell to 792 this year, from 983 in 2001, a 19 percent decline. The number of foreign language positions fell to 535 from 675, a 21 percent drop.

I wish all the luck in the world to anyone who is willing to run the gauntlet that is the pursuit of a career in English these days. I admire your tenacity and perseverance, and sometimes I still wonder if going to law school is somehow selling out, or taking the easy way out, or ... something. And there are certainly ways that it is, and ways that it isn't; I've hashed over those pros and cons in this space before, so I won't drag you through them again. Suffice to say here that no matter how bad things get, I hope there will always be people willing to endure the sacrifices and hardships necessary to become an English academic; our world would be a far uglier place without you.

Still no word from Georgetown; maybe tomorrow.

Posted December 15, 2002 12:07 PM | life generally

I thought about the English academic route last year; many props to you for pursuing that and law school.

I'm in the same boat (as I am too, leaving my enligh-journ-arts-tech background) and often think to myself that I may be a sellout too by applying this year. After plenty of consideration, I decided that law would probably teach me to look through other people's eyes and help me empathize with instances that go on around us everyday. I live life like "non-fiction" --- after all, what is law but a bunch of narratives, right?

You're blogrolled... look forward to reading more. Good luck with G-town... I'm currently sweating out UWash.

Posted by: Glenda at December 15, 2002 03:40 PM

Reading this stat last month put what might be the final nail in my Englit academic coffin. (As if we needed any more...but sometimes I get wistful as I stare out my office window at the faceless office tower across the parking lot!) We're doing the right thing, man.

Posted by: Raquel at January 13, 2003 10:14 PM

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