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January 28, 2003

We're Waaaiiiting!

As I wait to hear if any law school is going to let me in, I've got to say it's not a lot of fun watching JCA go through a similar apply-and-hope-and-wait process trying to line up a good job for the summer after her first year as a law student. Is this what every spring is going to be like for the next three or four years (until I get a "real" legal job)? Probably. But then, a lot of law is probably like that—aren't you always filing papers of some kind, then waiting to see what people (i.e.: judges, juries, other lawyers) think of them? If so, I guess I should just get used to it. And anyway, here's where a desire to do something outside the mainstream of law might come in handy—perhaps when it comes time to look for jobs, I'll like the sound of the kinds of things that other people dread, which would, maybe, increase my chances of actually getting those jobs. Maybe.

Anyway, this latest chapter in JCA's law school odyssey attracted this comment from Sue, who appears to be in the same boat as me right now—just wishin', and hopin', and thinkin', plannin', dreamin', and prayin' ... that we get into law school. Good luck, Sue! Perhaps we should start some sort of blog-ring of our own—the lawyers and law students have their "blawgs," so maybe we should call ours "p-blawgs," for "pre-law-blogs"? Yeah, I'll get right on that. ;-)

(But seriously, if there's anyone else out there like Sue and myself who is currently waiting to hear from law schools and blogging about it, I'd love to hear from you. And good luck to you, too!)

Posted January 28, 2003 10:08 AM | life generally

hey mo!

I think I have a letter from Penn waiting at home...(I'm trying not to get my hopes up!)

next priority is getting financial aid stuff in order!


Posted by: Shara at January 28, 2003 03:26 PM

The waiting is horrid and I keep thinking I am crazy for even starting this process. How do you go from suburban small business owner with a husband and three dogs to single law student? You make a leap of faith and see where you land. I haven't landed.

Posted by: sue at February 1, 2003 03:33 PM

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