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February 17, 2003

Deadline Extended!?!?

When I got that letter last December from Georgetown, I took it in stride. I hadn't gotten my hopes up too high, and really it turned out fine because it just gave me the incentive I needed to quit procrastinating and finish my applications to other schools. But today I was looking at financial aid requirements for the schools I'm interested in (specifically: do they seriously need my parents' financial info? I haven't received parental support for over a decade. Seems a little stupid.)... Anyway, I went to GULC's site and found this big notice in red:

The JD Application Deadline for Full-time and Part-time applications has been extended to March 1, 2003.

Recall that the letter I got in December basically said, "You're a fine candidate but we don't want to let you in until we're sure nobody better is going to apply." So now, instead of letting me in, they're extending the freakin' deadline!?!? Can you say insult to injury?


Posted February 17, 2003 02:38 PM | law school

Do not let this bother you. You're in at BC and GW both of which are great schools. If you want to practice in DC then it will not matter that you are at a top 25 versus top 14 school. Just do well!

As for Georgetown, if applications are really up by 20% perhaps they are extending hoping to get the kids who were turned away from Harvard & Yale?

Posted by: sue at February 17, 2003 04:32 PM

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