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April 08, 2003

Find What You Were Looking For?

A selection of recent searches that brought visitors to ai:

  1. dog is my co pilot
  2. cost of law school
  3. practice lsat
  4. iraq and currency and march 19 2003
  5. definition of false consciousness
  6. see i don't need to explain why i say things
  7. bush speeches god
  8. regime change begins at home
  9. scientia potentia
  10. download safari v62 new
  11. legal job market
  12. life -the misery
  13. blog pre law law school application
  14. the world is ending when
  15. harvard sucks and princeton doesn't matter

My favorites: 12 and 15. What motivates a search like "Life! The Misery!"?

Posted April 8, 2003 11:24 AM | meta-blogging

One of mine today was "squat over seat" - why would a person search on that??? If they were looking for a "how to" they came to the wrong place...

Posted by: sue at April 9, 2003 06:33 PM

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