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April 14, 2003

Law Schools Phone Home!

Gee, there's really nothing better than an entire Monday (or at least the second half of it) spent waiting for the mail to come and the phone to ring. My calls to AU and GW yielded zilch. AU says try back in the morning and they'll have some kind of offer. I applied in December, kids; can you hurry the f#&! up? ;-)

Today's real ire is directed squarely at GW's financial aid office, which refused to tell me about my revised aid package (after the "request for reconsideration" I sent them last week) over the phone. I tell the woman my name, rank, and serial number, I wait, she comes back and says, "Your reply was mailed on the 11th. It should be in the mail soon."

Me: Uh, you do know the deposit is due tomorrow, right?

Her: Yes, I know that. You should get something in the mail within a couple of days.

Me: (thinking to myself, 'she's staring at a screen that holds my fate and she's not going to tell me what it says!?') Could you tell me what the letter that is coming in the mail will say?

Her: No, I can't tell you that information over the phone.

Me: (getting snippy) Can you fax it to me?

Her: Hmph. What's your fax number? I don't know if I can get to it. We're very busy. I'll try to do it by the end of the day.

Did she send the fax? No. Does GW seem like a nice place to go to school? No.

Perhaps I'll just ditch the whole law school thing. Who needs all that debt, anyway?

In other great news, check out this poster and welcome to Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace. Yay.

Posted April 14, 2003 07:41 PM | law school

i feel stupid defending gw so much on your blog, seeing as I don't even go there yet. But the one thing I want to say is that the financial aid office sucks there. They have never seemed to care too much about the students, haven't been too helpful in any way, and at the admitted students day everyone agreed that they were mean, miserly people (One could argue that this just means they are doing their job well and saving the school money) But the positive spin to be gained from this is that the fin. aid office seems so bad simply due to the fact that the rest of the school seemed very open and friendly, and best of all-very oriented towards making students happy. So anyways, don't let the fin. aid office get you down too much, overall it seems like a friendly school.

Posted by: matt at April 14, 2003 09:11 PM

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