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July 24, 2003

The Dean Says So

Hey, if you're starting law school in the next month or so, relax. That's the order from an Assistant Dean at GW who recently advised readers of GW's admitted students forum that:

Your final month will be best spent if you do nothing involving law. Most of you will begin reading law consistently for the rest of your lives starting August 18th. It will be hard work. Now is the time to get in a little better shape, visit a friend, read a novel, or go to a museum.

Now who am I to argue with advice like that?

Posted July 24, 2003 01:15 PM | law school

AI, that's very good advice from your dean. There are many different ways to succeed in law school, and no one way is perfect for everyone. But keeping mental balance and taking the time to unwind is in general a good idea. I worked hard in law school, but I also played Ultimate frisbee three or four times a week, and I played lots and lots of Hearts.

Posted by: Tung Yin at July 25, 2003 11:33 AM

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