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August 05, 2003

Takin' it to the Streets

In today's installment of Democracy in action, please see

Last Thursday, July 24th I was "downsized" from my job of 3 years at a software company.

Later the same day I heard that President Bush's economic team would be doing a bus tour through Wisconsin and Minnesota this week touting Bush's tax cut and its prosperous economic effects.

"What a bunch of BS. I'd like to give their PR tour a dose of reality," is what I thought. So I packed up the minivan and decided to follow their bus around the countryside and talk to whoever would listen about the real facts--that this economy stinks, and Bush's tax cuts are making it worse.

Go John, go!

Posted August 5, 2003 12:36 PM | general politics

Thanks for the pointer to this site. It was interesting to read his account of his encounter at Culver's with the Cabinet Secretary, and then read the white-washed news report at

Posted by: Zelda at August 6, 2003 11:45 PM

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