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August 11, 2003

Happy (Belated) Birthday, ai!

It's official. As of last Friday, August 8, 2003, ai was officially one year old. I'm not sure how I missed it; time just flies when you're having fun, I guess.

A lot has happened since that first post, and, all things considered, it's been a great year. Thanks to those of you who have been kind enough to stop by from time to time, and thanks double and triple to those of you who have shared your thoughts via email and comments. Blogging is usually enjoyable, sometimes it's even therapeutic, but it's at its most useful, satisfying, and rewarding best when the conversation flows both ways. So I hope you'll keep reading ai and I hope even more that you'll keep telling me when ai is full of it, whatever "it" happens to be.

For those of you who feel like a scroll down the page and a stroll into the recent past, feast your eyes on the newly functional "ai one year ago today" feature a couple of screens down in the right column. There you'll find a daily reminder of what ai was all up in your face about at this time last year. Try it; it's fun!

Here's hoping ai will be around another year from now to look back fondly at my first year in law school. Which reminds me, is that countdown looking a bit scary or is it just me?

Posted August 11, 2003 11:13 AM | meta-blogging

Congratulations! I'm looking forward to following your first year of law school.

Posted by: Jeff Cooper at August 11, 2003 03:34 PM

Congrats on the anniversary, and 6 days is nothing...before you know it the semester will be over.

Posted by: Beanie at August 11, 2003 07:33 PM

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