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Now Live from Dupont Circle
Ok, so we've moved. Last Saturday we went from zero (nothing packed) to completely moved in 18 hours or less, which was a new record for me. It's great fun. If you get tired of your job or law school or would just like a change of scenery, I highly recommend just picking up and moving across town. You'll be so busy sweating your ass off, you won't have time to think about anything else. I really have no intention of passing my classes this semester, anyway, so it's all good.
But yeah, ai is now coming to you live from just outside Dupont Circle, which I like to tell people is the heart of the heart of the heart of the ____________ here in D.C. You can fill in the blank w/just about whatever you want—museums, coffee shops, book stores, live music, political activism, good restaurants, cool movie theatres, and on and on—it's all here or a short walk or metro ride away. Now my stroll to school is about 20 minutes, and by bike it's like I blink and I'm there. Life is good.
Bonus: We moved in to find full cable already in effect, including wireless internet access! I don't know who's paying for this, but I'll be happy to make use of it while it lasts. The only problem with the cable is that it includes HBO, which is basically video crack—like playstation, but maybe worse because it calls you at regular intervals to say "watch me, your favorite show is on! you can't miss this! drop everything and watch watch watch!" Last night featured a HBO-crack binge of epic proportions, beginning at around 8 p.m. with reruns of the Sopranos, followed by some SITC action (I've always loved Steve, too), and then we had to check out Carnivale (trippy—by far the most Twin Peaks-ish tv since Twin Peaks), and we just couldn't tear ourselves away from K Street. Holy firetruck, after all that, I practically had to be peeled off the couch, not only because all that programming was such an mental overload, but because well, what the heck is up with Howard Dean being on K Street and what the hell are he and HBO trying to do!? If you didn't see it, Salon summarizes most of the Dean part in its coverage:
What that summary doesn't tell you is that during this fictional? real? debate prep, one of the K Street characters fed Dean one of the big jokes he used in the Baltimore debate, which was:In a debate prep with Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean -- which Dean agreed to partially because he was thrilled to get some free advice from two of the highest-profile political strategists in Washington -- Begala comments on one of the current president's strengths: "One of the ways that Bush is an enormously disciplined politician is he never answers hypotheticals. He doesn't entertain that option." Begala also says that the best way for Dean to "chip Bush down" is with humor. It's tough not to be interested and engaged with such slices of strategy-building.
Well, if the percent of minorities that's in your state has anything to do with how you can connect with African American voters, then Trent Lott would be Martin Luther King.
After watching the K Street, I couldn't decide if James Carville, et al, really fed Dean that line, or if the show's editors had just made it seem that way. Salon seems to think it wasn't just the magic of editing. I don't know. Does it matter? I don't know. Dean's blog went wild with comments after the show; I think they mostly liked it. The Washington Post seems a little baffled by the show. Ah well, it certainly entertained me.
And now CivPro beckons. Do you think 10 hours of homework/reading time/week is sufficient to achieve success in law school? ;-)
Posted September 15, 2003 04:44 PM | election 2004 law school life generally
Is 10 hours enough?
Do you want top grades? No.
Do you want to pass? Sure.
But remember the 'all work' adage. You need downtime to preserve your sanity. And friends outside of your law school, to keep you grounded in reality, and away from too much law school gossip. See liable's blog on that......
Posted by: greg at September 16, 2003 09:32 PM
I think 10 hours a week outside of class is probably not enough, but I don't think it's more than 40 hours total (class + homework). Who knows? I'm only in my 3rd (4th?) week myself. :)
I try to be very efficient in the hours I do study, and I rarely study more than 2 hours on the weekend.
We'll see when grades come out, I guess.
Posted by: transmogriflaw at September 17, 2003 12:07 AM
i did not know you were moving (!) but i don't think i had your other address anyway. or phone number. how am i supposed to visit you guys in the heart of all the coolness, when i don't even have your contact info?
updates: b&tw is continuing to amuse me and keep me distracted from working on my list. i came down with a nasty cold this weekend, but i did drag my butt to krannert to see sweet honey in the rock with dana. it was very very cool.
Posted by: Anonymous at September 21, 2003 11:31 PM
Ok, I'm studying a little more than 10 hours a week. It's probably closer to 20. And school gets better as I'm able to put more time into it, so I'm looking for ways to increase those study hours.
Mystery B&TW amusee: I can't say hello and give you my address if I don't know who you are. ;-) Send email!
Posted by: ambimb at September 23, 2003 07:38 AM