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October 27, 2003


I keep getting these messages from something called the JD Academic Research Council (JDARC), which describes itself as:

an Internet research community of law students who agree to the confidential assessment of their Internet usage habits. By aggregating the data that we collect in an anonymous fashion, we are able to help companies understand the needs and interests of law students - while maintaining your privacy.

In exchange for information about "internet usage habits," JDARC promises to pay me $10 for registering, $5 for staying through January, and $5 more for staying through May.

I'm sorry, but, no thanks. First, why would I want to help "companies understand the needs and interests of law students"? Do I really want to provide them with more and better ways to convince me I need and want more stuff or services? No. If there's anything I I'm sure I don't need it's better marketing targeted at me. And second, do they really think my time is worth so little? Sure, I've registered at lots of internet sites for free, but those sites didn't insult my intelligence and imply I'm a money-grubbing dolt by offering me a paltry payment in the first place. Without exploring it very far, it seems clear to me that JDARC offers zero value to law students, so it has to offer the illusion of value by offering tiny cash payments.

No thanks. Jerks.

Adding insult to injury, the JDARC website shuns the Safari browser; it won't even load a home page unless you're using IE or Netscape. (I assume a variant of Mozilla would work, but I'm not inclined to try to find out.) Double no-thanks. Doublejerks.

What I want to know is: Did GW sell JDARC my email address?

Posted October 27, 2003 05:24 AM | law school

I've gotten the same kind of crap from JDARC. No clue how they got my email address, particularly as I signed the privacy policy and I am not listed in any university/college directories.

To add insult to injury--the first time they wrote was the day I got stomped in my Torts class. If I'm such a "top quality" student, then why do I still get stomped? Uh uh, no way am I buying their bill of goods.

Posted by: Katherine at October 27, 2003 01:28 PM

I bet they got it from LSAC. Though I can't remember if my email address appeared on the application anywhere.

Posted by: Beanie at October 27, 2003 01:45 PM

I've been getting those emails too. Very irritating!

Posted by: DG at October 27, 2003 05:13 PM

Hi there - I found this post on Google. I'm a 1L at Brooklyn Law School.

When I signed up for my student LexisNexis account, I used a unique e-mail address - and that's where I've been receiving JDARC ads. I'm going to look into this further (well, after my legal writing assignment this weekend...and outlining...) and see if Lexis will investigate what's happening.

It's good to hear that we're not alone in getting these ads. Thanks for the info!

Posted by: James Renken at November 18, 2004 11:08 PM

James: Thanks for the ino. I bet if you look into this you'll find that Lexis doesn't care because it either owns JDARC or it sold our addresses to it, so either way, Lexis is part of the problem.

I'll add this to my list of reasons to loathe Lexis and Westlaw, or Wexis for short.

Posted by: ambimb at November 18, 2004 11:26 PM

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