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El Embajada de El Salvador
Twice since moving to D.C. proper I've been stopped on the street by people who speak little to no English trying to get directions to the Embassy of El Salvador. Twice I've just had to say, "No se." But here it is, not far at all (map). But look at those streets! Giving directions in Spanish should be fun. But at least I'll be helping out next time if I can say, "El calle California y veintetres." Yeah, I need to remember that.
Posted January 13, 2004 05:07 AM | life generally
ai, the proper articles are LA, like this:
La calle California y veintitrés. La Embajada del Salvador.
Wanna go dancin'?
Posted by: Camilo at January 13, 2004 07:24 AM
Gracias. Mi espanol es muy mal. Quieres bailar conmigo?
Posted by: ambimb at January 13, 2004 04:17 PM