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That Primary Thing
Kerry wins, yadda yadda yadda. (Full results.) Hooray for Kerry! Hooray for mediocrity and the status quo!
The pundits are singing choruses of "Dean's dead," but according to Open Secrets, Dean's got much more cash on hand than any other candidate, meaning he's well-positioned to carry through with his plan to make a stand in a later state (Washington, Michigan, or Wisconsin). His strategy is definitely risky, and heavily dependent upon other candidates dropping out of the race so that Dean can draw clear distinctions between Kerry and himself. Of course, that's what Edwards and Clark would like to do, as well, so Kerry's got to be loving the fact that more candidates haven't dropped out. It's time for Kucinich and Sharpton to bow out and throw their support to Dean; Dean's the only candidate whose platform even comes close to synching with theirs. Of course, that's not going to happen, but it would be nice.
Posted February 4, 2004 06:52 AM | election 2004
I am not sure whether to admire you for your commitment or feel sorry for you for your delusional state.
Posted by: justin at February 4, 2004 07:49 PM
Heh. I think "delusional" might be a little strong. Passionate and determined, maybe. :)
I'm uneasy about Kerry and about the media steamroll (all Kerry, all the time). There's nothing about him or his program that really grabs me, and I wonder just how different things will be.
Plus there's his hair (which scares me) and the fact he's married to a Heinz (a Heinz by marriage, sure, and president of Heinz philanthropies, but a Heinz nonetheless)...
I don't know that I support anyone in particular yet. I like Dean for the metaphorical breath of fresh air he brings, if nothing else. But by the time I get to vote on it--the Indiana primary's not until early May--it likely won't make much difference. (Of course Indiana tends to skew Republican anyway in presidential elections.)
Posted by: raquel at February 5, 2004 09:06 AM