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Forget Nader. Draft Moore!
While everyone's in a tizzy about what Nader's candidacy might mean, Howard Dean says don't be tempted by Nader:
Ralph Nader has made many great contributions to America over 40 years. But if George W. Bush is re-elected, the health, safety, consumer, environmental, and open government provisions Ralph Nader has fought for will be undermined. George Bush's right-wing appointees will still be serving as judges fifty years from now, and our Constitution will be shredded. It will be government by, of, and for, the corporations - exactly what Ralph Nader has struggled against.
Those who truly want America's leaders to stand up to the corporate special interests and build a better country for working people should recognize that, in 2004, a vote for Ralph Nader is, plain and simple, a vote to re-elect George W. Bush. I hope that Ralph Nader will withdraw his candidacy in the best interests of the country we hope to become.
Timothy Noah on Slate says Forget Nader. Draft Moore. [link via Scripting News] Sounds like a brilliant idea to me.
Of course, if we'd just follow some of the suggestions at The Center for Voting and Democracy we wouldn't have to worry so much about how a random third candidate could be a kingmaker. Can you say instant runoff voting? I knew you could. Now if that wouldn't give people a great incentive to vote, I don't know what would. Proportional representation would also be a great step in the right direction.
p.s.: Is it just me, or is Nader's website broken in Safari? For me, the header at the top of the page loads as it should, but I have to scroll down about 30 screens to see the rest of the content on the page. It looks fine in FireFox, though. Hmph. Whatever else I might have thought of Nader, I just can't vote for him now. Any candidate who can't make their pages Safari-friendly just won't be getting my vote, simple as that. ;-)
Posted February 24, 2004 05:57 AM | election 2004