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Bloggies and Pics Galore
For those about to rock, I salute you.*
I mean, congratulations to all the winners of the 2004 Bloggies . The list of winners and nominees includes so many great links it would take a week to look through them all. (Maybe I should take another spring break.)
A few quick favorites:
1. Blogumentary: A Documentary about Blogs. Hmmm....
2. Weblog Wannabe: Check out the "Distractions" in the right column. I really can't believe the Firdamatic. Incredible. Very distracting.
3. Photoblogs.org: Just the other day I confessed my fascination with Ten Years of My Life. Little did I know (although I suspected) there were so many more variants on the theme. This amount of awesome imagery is truly humbling. But perhaps it's not so humbling that you won't want to make your own .
* Sorry. I had iTunes on random and it played one of the Dean Scream Remixes, so now I have AC/DC stuck in my head. But still, if you're about to rock, I do salute you, really.
Posted March 16, 2004 06:21 AM | life generally meta-blogging
I do try to rock as much as possible. So feel free to salute often. :)
Posted by: Beanie at March 16, 2004 08:27 AM
I am saluting even as you read this!
Posted by: ambimb at March 18, 2004 07:38 PM