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April 12, 2004


My first final of the spring semester is two weeks from tomorrow. At this point, I've done about nothing to prepare. This is not good. Loose ends still remain to tie up before I feel I can focus on finals, but that focus is going to have to come soon or I'll be seriously testing the conventional wisdom that no one flunks out of law school (because the school wants your $$!). Those loose ends include:

Summer Job Update: Thanks in no small part to all the good advice from you, my readers, my summer job dilemma has been resolved for some time now -- I took the public defender job. At first I was very torn and regretted having to make that choice, but since then I've been very very glad to have the job thing settled and to be doing something this summer that will provide such great experience. Taking that job also allowed me to qualify for a GW Summer Subsidy, which I was awarded last week. (Last week was an incredibly full week!) So the summer is looking like it will be terrific -- exactly what I need. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to say about the details of the job here, but I'll certainly post what I can.

FYI: I'm not working in the D.C. Public Defender's office. That office is known as one of the best PD offices in the country, so it would be great to be there, but I'll be spending my summer at a nearby PD office. I didn't even apply to the DC office, mostly because the job hunt went so quickly I just never got around to it. I'm

Scheduling for Next Year: Thanks to everyone who also offered advice about my course scheduling questions a couple of weeks ago. For now, the schedule for fall looks like this: ConLaw II, Evidence, Labor Law, Admin Law, and probably the Moot Court Competition for one additional credit (for a total of 14 credit hours). This might change during drop/add in the fall, but that's it for now. I'll probably be taking the Consumer Mediation Clinic in the spring, along with CrimPro, Ethics, and other things I can't think of at the moment.

Property Review: A couple of weeks ago I offered to share my notes from a Property review session. For those who expressed interest, the notes are here. I've since learned that those notes are even more superficial/surface than I at first realized (if you rely on them for the rule against perpetuities or to navigate through the maze of servitudes, you'll be in a world of hurt), but they still provide a good big-picture overview and might give you some structure on which to hang your own outline.

Posted April 12, 2004 06:54 AM | law school

Thanks! My prop class is such a muddled mess, I'm looking for anything to help structure the material. Any class that can cover copyright, water rights, and body parts in the same day, is too much for me.

Posted by: dubitante at April 12, 2004 04:47 PM

dubitante: i'm happy to share my outline from last semester. i've been hired as a property TA for next year. drop me an email if you want it.

Posted by: monica at April 13, 2004 05:30 AM

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