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April 19, 2004

Two more days

Today and tomorrow. Two more days of 1L classes. First final is a week from Tuesday. I write these things to remind myself. This is serious. 1L is almost over. Must focus on finals. If Dubitante is correct and a law school semester is like a golf tournament, I'm in big trouble. I've been following something like Jeremy's Four Week Exam Plan for, well, all semester really, except I haven't looked at any supplements at the bookstore or checked out any treatises from the library. I have stapled some stuff, though, and it felt very satisfying. In fact, where is my stapler. It's a red swingline...

Posted April 19, 2004 07:01 AM | law school

Jeremy's plan is excellent and totally had me cracking up. Stapling makes me feel productive - of course, so does folding clothes but I don't have time for that these days. The best part was feeling productive while editing typos on downloaded outlines!

Posted by: Kelly at April 19, 2004 09:07 AM

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