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May 04, 2004

ConLaw Craziness & Notes

ConLaw is over. It was closed-book, no notes, three hours, three essays, and 30 multiple choice questions. If I hit the median, I'll be thrilled.

In celebration of finishing my ConLaw exam, I've posted the notes I used to study for it. At that link you'll also find my CivPro notes. (Click the bullet points to go to the notes themselves, or you can navigate by clicking the curled page corners in the top right, or via the tabbed dividers on the right edge of the pages. All this fancy-shmanciness courtesy of Circus Ponies NoteBook, "The $50 Valet for your iLife." (in my case it was only $10, but who's counting?).) As I explain here, these note come with no warranties, neither express nor implied. The main point of putting them up is just to show how a real outliner (that allows you to collapse and expand your outline as you wish) can help make studying easier. It works well for me, but in online form it might make pages slow to load.

Mac users have lots of choices for OPML-compliant outliners, beginning with OmniOutliner, which I believe comes loaded on all Macs these days. If you'd like to try using a more functional and dynamic outline next fall and you don't use a Mac, I'm sure can find a Windoze outliner that supports OPML somewhere. I guess OneNote can handle it, for starters, so soon the capability will be built into M$ Office. [link via Scripting News] I'm telling you, the expand/collapse feature makes outlines much more useful.

Only one more exam to go: Property. Thanks to all who helped out with my Landlord/Tenant and Covenant questions the other day. I'm going to try to get back into it so I may have more questions for you soon!

Posted May 4, 2004 07:46 PM | law school

I second the OmniOutliner endorsement for Macs. I bought a copy (didn't come with my Mac) because I liked it so much.

I didn't use it for my full course outlines, because those tend to be more in a narrative style for me. I don't learn unless I write it out, so my outlines are overly long and verbose.

But I used OmniOutliner for case briefs, for writing assignments, for topical study guides, etc. Very, very well-written program.


Posted by: transmogriflaw at May 4, 2004 08:07 PM

Hi Ambi,

Thanks a lot for posting your notes! As an entering 1L at GW next year they ease some of my anxiety. Any chance you have links to your first semester notes? Also who were your professors?

Thanks again,

Posted by: Colin O'Sullivan at May 6, 2004 01:06 PM

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