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August 21, 2004

Blawg Explosion

I vaguely recall checking on the "" as a URL when I was setting up the Blawg Co-Op. At the time, I believe there was just a lame placeholder page there. Now, however, there's all kinds of activity over there. It appears to be trying to be some kind of blawg portal, which is interesting. It's also where you end up if you go to "" It doesn't look like it's a booming hive of posts and links, although it does seem to be updated regularly. Recent posts have included a heads-up about the ACS Blog, a post about the upcoming BloggerCon that Dave Winer is planning, a post about Feedster, a link to the Lynne Stewart Trial Blawg (a fascinating and frightening offshoot of the main site supporting Stewart), and finally, a post linking to four new blawgs (including Foot In Mouth, which I found recently somehow thanks to some advice on applying to law school it offered -- linked, of course, on Blawg Wisdom).

I assume the site is run by the same person making the posts, Bill Gratsch, who may be the same person responsible for the Gov Blog and eGovPad.

Is this another sign that blawgs are becoming a big deal?

Here's another possible sign: In a lecture today on how to write a "note" for a legal journal, a professor at GW suggested we read blogs (or probably blawgs) for topic ideas and to become familiar w/the conversation currently going on about topics in which we're interested. I wonder if this professor has a blawg and I just don't know it....

Whatever the case, I'm glad to see this kind of growing acceptance of blawgs. I fear my little article about them is going to seem quaintly outdated by the time it comes out, but then, a big part of the reason I wrote it in the first place was to give blawgs more exposure and share the benefits of blawging w/more people, and those goals seem to be coming to fruition, article or no.

Posted August 21, 2004 03:43 AM | meta-blogging

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