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August 25, 2004

Amazingly Ugly Racers

Hey, look! Another episode of the Amazing Race and another example of Americans Behaving Badly. Maybe that should be the name of this show. If you missed it, there's a pretty good recap here, but the show was all about Colin's anger. He and Christie got a head start on everyone at the beginning of the episode, but their cab got a flat tire and the driver had no spare. Colin basically stole the spare from another team's cab, then refused to pay his driver what he'd agreed to pay. After being threatened with jail, Colin finally paid up, then proceeded to continue blaming Christie for making him have to give in to the demands of the cabbie and the police.

So is it just me, or does Colin have an anger problem? I feel very bad for Christie; she didn't deserve any of the blame for the consequences of Colin's tantrum. She was being the reasonable one, while he was being an insane anger bomb. Sad. Of course, what do we know? Editing means everything, doesn't it?

Even before Colin's craziness in the most recent episode, I've noticed that this season everyone seems more stressed and high strung than in past seasons, and also more aggressively "ugly" (as far as how they treat each other and the people they interact with around the world). Is it a coincidence that this season also seems to be drawing the biggest audience the show has ever had?

Posted August 25, 2004 10:56 AM | tv land

I became a lot less interested when Charla was eliminated. Her cousin was awfully whiny and seemed to make HER do everything despite her short stature, but I was pretty impressed with her overall.

Colin is horrible. I don't care what editing has been done. There is never an excuse to treat people the way he does...especially when he is a visitor in their country. And Christie just seems to be like "portrait of an abused wife." Maybe his anger never escalates to physical violence, but I wouldn't want to be the recipient of his emotional abuse either. Colin = The Ugly American, indeed.

I think Chip and his wife are probably the most reverential to the folks from other countries. It's funny cuz I've only seen a few full eps and then I click over on commercials during nip/tuck.

Posted by: Cinnamon at August 25, 2004 12:48 PM

You're absolutely right. Colin has a serious anger problem.

I was sort of split on seeing Charla and Mirna get eliminated. I was happy they wouldn't win, but sad that I didn't have anyone left to make fun of.

And no, I don't really make fun of Colin. I just sit there and say "Man, how can she put up with him?" or, alternatively "Arrest him! Arrest him!"

Go Chip and Kim. They don't preach about being religious, but they are probably the most moral team ever on A.R.

Posted by: blondie at August 27, 2004 09:48 AM

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