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August 26, 2004

1Ls Get Rolling

In addition to the old faves I mentioned the other day who have started school again, many new 1Ls are now beginning classes . . . or, at least, the exotic rituals known as orientation prior to doing so. The Scoplaw has moved in, shopped, and been clipped by a car already. What's a Scoplaw, you ask? Read the Field Guide to the Scoplaw for all you ever wanted to know, and more! Anyway, it sounds like the Scoplaw's socialization and adjustment to law school (at GULC) is going swimmingly. The same goes for In Limine, also at GULC, is also quickly becoming socialized, but not w/out some invaluable introspection as he tries to find his place in the new crowd of school.

From my limited experience I'll say this: Orientation (and its accompanying parties, nights out, etc.) rewards the outgoing social butterflies, the party animals, and the gunners. A surprisingly large number of law students seem to think they have to try to fit into one of the above categories in order to succeed in law school; however, this is not true. Once things settle down there will be much more room for many more types of personalities and approaches to social interaction. There's no need to think you have to compete with the neon kiddies. (This is not intended as advice to the Scoplaw or In Limine; they both sound like they're fine w/who they are and where they're going to fit into things.)

In addition to the 1Ls just getting underway, Half-Cocked has already started his second year. I'm sure others have started, as well, including all 1Ls at GW. Lucky for me, 2Ls don't start until next monday (just four days away!). I'm so not ready, but that's how these things go. I'm currently trying to figure out how drop/add works so I can nail down my schedule and buy books. Then there's getting a locker, making sure my financial aid comes in (must have September rent!), and probably other things I'm forgetting. The next week should be interesting.

Best wishes to all, and to all a good semester!

Posted August 26, 2004 11:11 AM | law school

Hey! I'm a 1L over on the Left Coast. This is more about props to you than anything else. I heartily enjoyed your blog over the summer, as I was preparing to leave a cushy life in private industry for a return to impoverished, student life. Today completes my first week of school. I am giddy and excited as a little puppy who has learned what means the word "walk".

Extra special thanks for blawg wisdom. I read all your archives, as well as those of others. All I can say is Thank ye, thank ye, thank ye.


Posted by: quasi in r.e.m. at August 27, 2004 09:41 PM

Thanks, qir. It's alwasy terrific to hear you're appreciated. Good luck with all that giddy excitement. Could you send some of it my way? I'm having a little trouble getting "psyched" about the second round...

p.s.: Is this you? Or do you have another blog somewhere?

Posted by: ambimb at August 28, 2004 10:40 AM

EEK! That's not me!

this is me. Ugly as heck because I havn't found a way to make the time for blogger formatting. I should at least fix the "e-mail me" part.

Anyhow yes, all of the blogs of last year's 1L have been fabulous reading. You have all set the bar quite high.

ps - consider my giggly, wiggly as a puppy energy sent your direction.


Posted by: quasi in r.e.m. at August 29, 2004 02:09 AM

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