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September 08, 2004


A good friend just sent me a link to Juristudents, a new cross-platform law school note-taking and outlining software package. Looks interesting. It competes with a similar package I've seen before from West or LSAC; I can't remember now what it was called and I can't seem to find any links to it anywhere. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? And does anyone use anything like this?

Posted September 8, 2004 07:36 AM | law school

The West product you're thinking of is StoreLaw ( which I tried using, and abandonded because it's such a piece of crap. :) Right now I'm using NoteMap ( which I like quite a bit. It's a great outliner all around, but it doesn't do the multi-pane window thing. However, you can link to external files... so I just take my class notes as an outline, and link to my briefs where appropriate. It works quite well.

I was looking for something that was cross platform, though. I would *love* to dump windows and go all Mac! So I think I'll download Juristudents and give it a shot.

Posted by: -Dave! at September 8, 2004 12:56 PM

Storelaw! Exactly! Thanks for the link. I played with Juristudents a little. I'll post a review soon, but for me OmniOutliner is still far and away the best notetaking/casebriefing tool for the Mac...

Posted by: ambimb at September 8, 2004 09:13 PM

Does the OmniOutliner feature an *actual* outliner? Or that crippleware called an outliner in StoreLaw or Juristudents? I just posted a review of StoreLaw, Juristudents and NoteMap (the tool I currently use) on my site.

Posted by: -Dave! at September 9, 2004 11:06 AM

As I mentioned on your site, Dave, OmniOutliner is like the outliner of outliners -- it does everything I could imagine a "real" outliner doing. I haven't tried Windoze outliners so I can't say if any of them are better, but OO is definitely king on the Mac.

Posted by: ambimb at September 12, 2004 08:24 AM

wait, i don't get the point of using an outliner. isn't the entire purpose of writing an outline to read through your notes and organize them and whatnot? if the software does that work for you, then it's the software that's studying for the exam, not you.

Posted by: monica at September 12, 2004 03:07 PM

Well, outliners won't read through your notes and organize them for you, they just give you tools to make the process more efficient. So you still have to do the same work in making your class outlines of reading through them and picking the info that's most important, but outliners save you *formatting* time, basically. They make it easier to put it all in a package that's easy to study. Does that make sense?

Posted by: ambimb at September 13, 2004 01:32 PM

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