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October 16, 2004

Stewart Stuffs Crossfire

Jon Stewart said yesterday on CNN's Crossfire that the show is hurting America. Get a transcript, download an mp3, and if you can figure out BitTorrents, you can get the video, too (all links from Scripting News). Wow. I didn't see it, but I listened to it and it's incredible. Tucker Carlson told Stewart he should get a job at a journalism school; Stewart replied seriously: “You need to go to one!” Salon's Charles Taylor says Stewart's appearance was completely consistent with his stance on his own show and I tend to agree:
Stewart's “Crossfire” appearance is going to generate talk about how prickly he was, how he wasn't “nice” like he is on “The Daily Show.” But prickliness is just what was needed. If you've built your reputation as a satirist pointing out how the media falls down on the job, you're not going to make yourself a part of their charade.
Will this cause mainstream journalists to do a serious gutcheck? Probably not, but maybe a ball is now rolling that will lead there eventually. Thanks, Jon. Early stories about this elsewhere:

Posted October 16, 2004 06:34 AM | election 2004

The clip is also on

Posted by: em at October 16, 2004 10:01 AM

Awesome clip!

Posted by: Denise at October 16, 2004 12:11 PM

Oh man! I wish I had seen this with my own two peepers. I read the transcript and I have to say, Jon did well, Jon did very well. I'm proud of that Jersey boy!

Posted by: Famous P. at October 16, 2004 12:20 PM

'But prickliness is just what was needed. If you’ve built your reputation as a satirist pointing out how the media falls down on the job, you’re not going to make yourself a part of their charade.'

And the funny thing is that 'pricklyness' and debate are, lo and behold, what crossfire holds itself out as.

Posted by: actus at October 19, 2004 12:48 AM

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