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November 24, 2004
Gifts that Keep On Giving
Without meaning to, it seems I've been posting about contentious or controversial things recently, but it's getting to be holiday time around this here imbroglio, so let's talk about stuff that's really important ... like Secret Santas!So sign up, why dontcha? The Secret Santa also offers gift suggestions for those in need of such things. As far as I can tell it's not linked in any direct way to Amazon, although it sure would be a smart marketing move it were. Anyway, it's about that shopping time, so get crackin' and move this economy forward! If you're a true patriot, everything you buy this year will be imported so that our trade deficit can get even larger and we can continue proving to the world how “exceptional” America is. And speaking of exceptionalism, just look at our national debt—largest ever ever ever! No one can beat the U.S.A.! Oops! Did I say that? Sorry, lost the holiday spirit for a moment when reality intruded. But not to worry, there's more gifty goodness going on at tauntinghappyfunball, which is spearheading a blogger mix cd exchange:To use Secret Santa, all you need is a wishlist* at Amazon. First you tell Santa about yourself. Then on December 10th you will be told who you're buying a gift for. And by Christmas Day, everyone has a sparkly present to open!
Definitely a cool idea! Scheherazade took it in a slightly different direction by offering a mix cd to the first 20 readers who responded to her offer. Also a cool idea! Don't you think the ambivalent imbroglio needs a soundtrack? I mean, America has a soundtrack (to which I've been listening a lot, recently); doesn't ai need one, too? Ah, but there are those finals coming up.... So until I get around to actually making an ai soundtrack, you might enjoy the Top 40 Band In America Today from the information leafblower. Sounds like a pretty great soundtrack to me.Basically, you make a CD for a stranger and send it to them. Simple. All it takes is a bit of a time commitment and a few bucks to get a CD and mail it. But the best part is that you aren't trying to tailor it to anyone in particular. In fact, I think the best way to do it is just see who wants to do it, make the mixes, and then have one person randomly assign a recipient. Since it's my idea, I'll be happy to do that.
Posted November 24, 2004 10:14 AM | life generally
Seriously.. how much better would that soundtrack be without the POP punk stylings of Blink 182? Everything else there is pretty dope and would warm my indie heart. Except for those suck ass poseurs in Blink.. please, Barsuk.. take them off the CD!!
Posted by: musclehead at November 30, 2004 12:47 AM