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January 20, 2005

It's On

So this is the inauguration day that I still can't believe is happening. Check out these 34 scandals from the first four years of Bush II (and another take on that theme), then explain to me why this man is being inaugurated today. There are many reasons, I know; unfortunately, none of them give me much hope for the future of the U.S. or the world. But hey, I'm used to being wrong, so here's hoping that I'm “the opposite of correct” (as Prof. CrimPro is fond of saying) about how much damage the Bush administration will do in the next four years. That said, this isn't a fun time to be in D.C., what with all the men in cowboy boots and tuxedos topped with cowboy hats and the women running around in their full length furs—on the metro, no less! Last night I had to stand still for the whole ride up the escalator from the metro b/c I was surrounded by these people who didn't understand or give a damn about escalator etiquette. I wanted to shout “stand right! walk left!” until they got out of the way, but instead I just stood there and listened to them talk about how great this whole inauguration party is turning out. Yay yay. So I can see why some people are going to Vegas for the weekend. There's so many stimuli there to overwhelm your senses maybe you could just forget about what's happening here. But I won't be in Vegas. Instead, I'm heading downtown to see what new and dubiously constitutional ways the D.C. Metro Police, the Secret Service, the FBI, the Capitol Police, etc. have dreamed up to make sure protesters stay invisible. GW is closed today (as is most of downtown D.C.) so instead of doing homework, I'll be observing what passes for representative democracy in action. I took some photos of the pre-inaugural set up in the last few days, and I'll be taking some more photos of the actual event (at least what I can see of it) today. If I don't post later today, please come bail me out of jail.* If you haven't already, you might want to check out the Counter-Inaugural 2005 site to see what's going on along those lines. * I'm kidding. I have no plans to be involved with the police except through the lens of a camera.

Posted January 20, 2005 08:54 AM | election 2004

It's hideous enough to endure across the country -- I can't imagine how bad it would be when it's taking place on your doorstep. **sigh**

Posted by: Shelley at January 20, 2005 11:11 AM

I echo the above. I can't even stand to turn on the TV for fear of running into coverage of the national and global travesty. I weep for my poor daughter who will inherit the mess that the idiot-in-chief will bequeath to future generations. Watching the RIce confirmation hearings was almost as bad; the cold, hard reality of the shrub's failure to secure "freedom" that Sen. Boxer presented (and I give her props for sticking her neck out to get the facts, and Rice's failure to respond to them, on the record) was sickening. I can't imagine what it must be like to be at the center-point of the axis of evil.

Posted by: Famous P. at January 20, 2005 12:49 PM

great pictures!

Posted by: monica at January 20, 2005 06:20 PM

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