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Hey! You can't say that!
Ward Churchill: Discuss. Consider:- “Some People Push Back,” Churchill's essay that started the brouhaha in 2001 (and many more links to the ongoing controversy on that page)
- “On the Injustice of Getting Smeared,” a response from Churchill to recent criticism.
- “Ward Churchill's Banality of Evil,” which defends Churchill's right to say what he likes, but argues that Churchill was “dead wrong.”
- What Ward Churchill Didn't Say, a brief list of polemic statements that may or may not have provoked the same level of outrage now attending Churchill's remarks.
- The recent survey showing 75% of high school students think flag burning is illegal and one third think the First Amendment “goes too far.”
- Native American Genocide
- Remarks from Professor Althouse: “I look askance at UC, not Churchill: Why did they hire and promote him? ”
- What else?
Posted February 11, 2005 06:36 AM | general politics
Given the pitiful results of that survey, I have to seriously reconsider my aversion to going back to education as a vocation. I thought maybe what I needed to do was go back to politics to do my share of fixing the country, but maybe going back to the classroom is the place to start. I fear we may be turning out a generation of Hitler Youth.
Posted by: musclehead at February 11, 2005 11:49 AM
My mass media prof is fairly good friends with Churchill and spent some time talking about him yesterday in class.
Posted by: Steve at February 11, 2005 11:54 AM
about as depressing as lynne stewart's conviction. there's a professor at my school that's in similar trouble, and our Guild chapter is giving him our First Annual Free Speech Award.
Posted by: monica at February 12, 2005 09:38 AM