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February 13, 2005

All Hail Slapcast

So you've probably head about this “podcasting” thing, and now that Notes from the (Legal) Underground and Jeremy Richey are getting into it, I thought I'd give it a try. And while creating podcasts sounds like it could be very complicated, thanks to, all you need is a phone! Here's all you need to do:
  1. Create a free account at
  2. Call an 800-number and leave a message (up to 5 minutes).
  3. Log in and enter the phone number you called from. Slapcast finds your recording via caller-id.
  4. Give your recording a title and write some comments about it if you want.
  5. Publish your recording (or Slapcast can just do that automatically).
That's it! Slapcast does the rest—it converts your recording to mp3 format, creates a webpage and RSS feed with enclosures for you so that people can subscribe to your podcasts, and it can automatically post a link to your podcast on your blog (supporting MT, Livejournal, Blogger, Radio, and WordPress so far) and/or email the mp3 file to you. If you want to get funky you can add sound effects to your recording like Jeremy has done, then re-upload it so it sounds more professional and entertaining. (According to the Slapcast creator, there may soon be an option to do something like this automatically via the slapcast web interface.) So hey, what are you waiting for? We all want to hear what you have to say! Oh, thanks so much to Mother and Sister Imbroglio for humoring me in my early experiments with this. The imbroglio is now seeking jokes, funny stories, deep thoughts, political or social commentary, legal criticism, or anything else you'd like to record. Send me your number (via email) and I'll call you and record and publish what you have to say through the magic of 3-way calling. Or maybe we could do 4-way calling or more -- imagine what two minutes of conversation between Energy Spatula and Soupie might be like. Whoo! UPDATE: Via Memory's Outbox I just also discovered Audioblogger, which allows audio-posting by phone to Blogger blogs (including all you Blogspot kiddies). Of course, I'd like to see Slapcast take off b/c it's multi-platform and b/c I've met one of the developers and he seems like a good guy. But hey, either way, posting by phone can be fun. Just ask Lawrah! (See the post from today, 2/13/05; I can't find her permalinks if they're there.)

Posted February 13, 2005 11:07 AM | life generally meta-blogging

"Me and my little mild-mannered self said 'I don't know how to be mean'" ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS! Loved the jokes too. You really do have the funnest blog toys!

Posted by: Law-Rah at February 13, 2005 12:41 PM

I see three additional advantages of Slapcast over Audioblogger. 1. I can upload my own audio files. 2. You don't need a blog for Slapcast. 3. Long distance charges apply to Audioblogger.

Posted by: JR at February 13, 2005 10:18 PM

Strike the word "additional" in the above comment.

Posted by: JR at February 13, 2005 10:29 PM

Speaking of podcasts, did you know that I podcast your comments on the Lynne Stewart conviction, and your reference to the Slate article? This is before you wrote about podcasting, I think.

Every day I read a few blog posts into an MP3 file and make it available as a podcast. I call it the Rip & Read Blogger Podcast. It includes some of my comments, but mostly those of people I read. I'm rather critical of the Slate piece, with their horendous moral equivalence of terrorist enabler Stewart with Attorney General Gonzales.

If you have some time, listen to yesterday's podcast for the discussion of Stewart. Today's talks about the appeals court decision on Judith Miller of the NY Times. I'm not an attorney, but I find it all fascinating.


Posted by: Charlie Quidnunc at February 16, 2005 07:23 PM

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