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February 17, 2005
Perpetratin' ta be a lawya
Thanks to LawRah for leading me to Gizoogle, I bring you the first paragraph of yesterday's post translated into foshizzle:I'm perpetratin' ta read now so I can be a lawya fo' real yo. Word.I’m in law school, although you may not always be able ta tell fizzle tha content here fo' real. Often, I rap `bout bustin' but law school, whizzich is coz I often thiznink `bout anyth'n but law school, n I sometizzles brotha if I should takes thizzat as a sizzay: Is this really sum-m sum-m I should be doing if I’d so often spend mah time doing sum-m sum-m else? But schoo` is not practice, so I dismiss tha question. In mah spare time (what’s that?) I’m perpetratin' ta read Should You Really Be A Lawya?. Perhaps that should be filed in tha “better late thizzay neva category,” but I do W-to-tha-izzish I’d read this book before frontin' on somewhere near $100k in debt. * To those of you who is going crazy wit anxiety before even start'n law school, I say: Go buy this book or chizzeck it out from yo local library keep'n it real yo. Read it . Keep'n it gangsta dogg. Challenge yoself ta give it tha time n rizzy considerizzles it suggests you devote ta tha question of its title . Boo-Yaa!. You’ll . Boo-Yaa!. be glad you dizzay n this will be an excellent use of this interstice between perpetratin' n actually going ta law school.
Posted February 17, 2005 05:43 AM | life generally
Dude! That RAWKS! If only there were one that would translate into the idiom of North Joisey white trash.
Posted by: Famous P. at February 17, 2005 12:35 PM