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March 08, 2005

The Hits Just Keep On Coming

It's been about two weeks since Half-Cocked wrote an excellent short history of Nebraska indie rock, specifically the Omaha and Lincoln scenes, since those seem to have been hotbeds of great sound in recent years. Check out his post for some great inside perspective on how little bands get big and what's cool and new and coming to a heavy rotation playlist near you. To his post I would also add a mention of Elevator Ride, a friend of mine who was also part of the Omaha/Council Bluffs music scene in years past. Excellent stuff. And speaking of little bands that become big, I recently acquired “Give Up” by Postal Service as a wonderful gift from my bestest of friends. (She makes beautiful books—yes, every one unique and crafted lovingly by hand—that would make wonderful gifts for those smart and discerning peeps in your life.) I've been listening to it nonstop for the last couple of days and am enthralled. If you want to listen, too, get yourself an Audioscrobbler account, then login and visit my user page. Once you've added me as a friend (b/c you love me, I know you do), you can click on the “Personal” radio link on the top right of my user page and you'll start hearing streamed versions of songs in my recently-played list. I tried this at work the other day and it was awesome—like having my cd/mp3 collection w/me wherever there's a networked computer w/a web browser. I have no idea how they do this (the songs clearly don't stream from my own machine, so I don't know where they're coming from), but it's so cool I don't want to ask many questions for fear of messing it up. (Note: You do not have to add me as a friend to do this; you just have to get a free account, login, then visit my page. But now that you can hear everything I hear, don't you want to share with me what you hear? Yes? I thought so. Thank you!)

Posted March 8, 2005 12:25 PM | ai music

Good timing. I've been listening to "Such Great Heights" for a week or two, since downloading it from, and I heard it at a GULC (Section 3!) party last Thursday, where folks were raving about The Postal Service. Not ten minutes ago I bought the album from the iTunes Music Store and am on my first spin through it.

BTW, check out the new Section 3 site and discussion board:

Posted by: swanno at March 8, 2005 12:36 PM

Friend's A-Ok, thanks! I now have to work on updating my blog.

Posted by: Res_Ipsa_Loquitur at March 8, 2005 11:28 PM

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