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June 26, 2005

11 Gdunka Dunk

Hey, it's Sunday and it's been a little while since we had a list, so:

  1. Blawg Wisdom today features a new Weekly Law School Roundup filled with hot profs, cocktails, getting baked, and surviving needles—none of which are probably what you're thinking.
  2. imapd has quit her job and is getting married—congratulations! Her initial reflections on working as public defender are excellent:
    I will say, however, that since I stopped working there, I feel sure that a part of my identity has gone dormant. When people ask me what I do, I say, “I used to be a lawyer,” and as I say it, I feel a distinct sense of emptiness in not being able to talk about the law, my clients, or our society in the way that I used to--as someone who felt herself to be on the front-lines of the law. It is a rare and precious thing that a job can challenge you and change you on a daily basis in a way that makes you feel both alive and useful to the world. That is what being a public defender was to me.
    I hope she'll keep us all updated on where her great experiences lead her next.
  3. And speaking of being a public defender, how much would it suck to work in a courtroom where the DA is sleeping with the judge? As if judges didn't sympathize with DAs enough already! And how much would it suck to be the guy sitting on death row after being tried in that court? Justice? What?
  4. Hooray! Monica is back!
  5. Denise has a new car and it sounds awesome. I want one, too! More importantly, Denise seems to be recovering nicely (for the most part) from her recent life-changing surgery. Congratulations and best wishes, Denise!
  6. I've obviously been a little out of touch for a while, but I just noticed that DJ Sui G. has announced he's not going to law school this fall. (How many of us wish we could say that?) Maybe he'll be trying again next year, but for now, he's having a lot of fun with bikes. What is it about the single speed that makes it so cool these days? For the real cache, I hear you've got to go for the fixed gear. And if you check out a few of these pics, you can see why.
  7. Unblague is a blog (imagine that!) by a 3rd-year law student who has been blogging for almost a year now. Who knew?
  8. The Bitterness Strikes Back is another new-to-me law blawg. Although I'm not sure, I'm guessing its author is a rising 2L (U of MN, I believe) and she seems to be working in some capacity that lets her observe lots of criminal trials this summer, so that's cool. Her post titles rock.
  9. Ambivalent kicks imbroglio's butt in a GoogleFight.
  10. Ahem:
    If you work as an intern, whether in government or business, and you are interested in posing for Playboy, please send pictures...
    [Via Blawg Review #12] Two forms of ID required. Thanks!
  11. I ran 12 miles this morning. Thank goodness for Advil. The pain will decrease with every dollar you donate. ;-)

Posted June 26, 2005 02:06 PM | lists

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Thanks, Ambib. You are so cool.

Posted by: Denise at June 28, 2005 11:55 PM

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