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We went last night to meet Rascal, the dog I mentioned yesterday, and to let our current dog, Sisu, meet him and see what would happen. As you can see from the picture, the two of them wore each other out. They got along famously; I don't think we'd have to worry about dog fights. Actually, the two of them look like they're siblings or something—very similar builds and features. When they were racing around the field we let them play in they looked like they were having the time of their lives.
But that doesn't mean we should get another dog. I realize, in practical terms, another dog is probably a bad idea. More cost, more time, more hassle, definitely bigger issue when looking for places to live. But, well, since when is even one dog practical? Who gets a dog because it makes logical sense?
We really don't know. I keep reaching a point where I realize we just don't need another dog, yet the thought keeps creeping back in my head that it might be fun. Of course, our landlord could be the final arbiter of that plan, yet I'm not even sure I want to ask.
And then it's always possible this is all just a distraction from other things....
Posted July 21, 2005 07:45 AM | life generally
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There's a saying: If you have one dog, you have a dog. If you have two dogs, you have half a dog. If you have three dogs, you have no dogs.
Sometimes the whole is less than the sum of its parts.
Posted by: Lawgirl at July 21, 2005 11:12 AM
Hmm. I've never heard this before. I assume the theory is that if you have more than one dog they think less about you and more about the other dogs? That may be true; I've also heard from almost everyone who's ever had more than one dog that the dogs are best friends, have lots of fun together, etc. But that's a good thing, in my opinion. One of the benefits of having another dog is that they could entertain each other (theoretically, anyway) while we're away working all day. But I still don't know....
Posted by: ambimb at July 22, 2005 07:31 AM
I would recommend not getting another dog... at least right now. I have no idea what your plans are after school, and where you plan on working, but if it is in a large city where you are probably going to have a small apartment, it isn't fair to the dogs to have them crammed into a small apartment. Dogs like to run! Wait and see where you are in a year, and then maybe. Just my two cents.
Posted by: Unreasonable Man at July 22, 2005 09:12 AM
I just finished 1L and we've got two dogs...five year old and a two year old -- both BIG active dogs. Honestly, it's not that big of a deal for us.
Food costs are higher and vet bills, but that's not terrible. The walking, playing, etc...are all things we'd do with a single dog anyway. Two dogs just makes it double the pleasure, double the fun.
One thing that's a pain is travelling. If you're heading home or something, it's not that big a deal to have one dog crash at the parents/friends. But, two is another story. So, if you board them, that's a big cost times two.
Still, if you love dogs, do it. I know ours are much happier with each other and I can't say that we favor one over the other and they haven't said anything about favoritism or feeling left out. I think the older one may even like the distraction of the pup. The dogs still like us no matter how many we have.
If you're going to do it, LS is a great time to get things settled and into a routine rather than the first year or two or career afterwards (I'm guessing).
So....one vote for the new addition.
Posted by: dogs... at July 22, 2005 11:56 AM
We didn't really need another cat. Yet somehow one found us. Sometimes you are chosen. :) (Two dogs are not the same as two cats, true.)
When my family acquired a second dog when I was a kid, we found the new dog acted as ringleader and got the two of them into all sorts of trouble. So consider that as well.
Posted by: raquel at July 22, 2005 01:29 PM
Well I had already put my two cents in, but I thought I'd let you know that right now my two crazy rotti puppies are playing while I work on a complaint that is due on Monday. It's nice that they have each other to stay entertained, but they are both still pretty cuddly little dogs who will follow us room to room.
Even when I have lived in small apartments, I've always had dogs. There is almost always a park to go to, and nice long walks are just as good, if not better, for dogs than a yard.
You had also asked a question about folding dog crates. I have one I got from Petco, and it works great. It's very easy to unfold/fold back up. As for putting two crates in the back of a car, that might be harder, but you can also get items made especially for the car to contain the dogs. Good luck, and keep us posted.
Posted by: LAlawyer at July 23, 2005 03:59 PM
OK, I'll be the voice of reason.
Uh, are you crazy?
Perhaps you'll recall a certain Frances Finkelstein whom we got because Bumppo was just so sweet, and if one cat was good, surely two cats would be better, and they could (just had to yell at Franny there) spend time together and keep each other company when we're at work. Don't get me wrong--we love the little dear, but I could do without the destroyed leather furniture and window screens and dresser and without the early morning pestering and so on.
On the other hand, Sisu was a handful, so the second one is almost assured to be better!
Posted by: Elevator Ride at July 25, 2005 12:40 PM