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GW Law Profs Blogging Like MadMEN
I noted the other day that GW's SBA seems to be getting its online house in order, but I would be remiss if I did not also note the veritable explosion of GW professors entering (or already in) the blawgosphere. As far as I know, blogging GW professors include:
- Paul Butler at blackprof.com
- Orin Kerr at The Volokh Conspiracy
- Spencer Overton at blackprof.com
- Daniel Solove at Concurring Opinions and Balkinization
And speaking of blogging professors, why are so many of them male? Or to put it another way, why are so few female?
Ok, I am so wrong about GW's 4 blogging profs being even a little impressive. According to The Conglomerate, the U of Wisconsin Law School has about 16 faculty blogs, at least two of which are by women—Ann Althouse and Nina Camic. And, of course, Christine Hurt is another female professor blogging at The Conglomerate, so maybe there's more balance out there than I realize. Her institution, Marquette U. Law School, also has at least six faculty blogs, so again, GW's four is looking more anemic all the time.
Still, even if GW is not on the top of schools in terms of numbers of blogging profs, these four are four more than existed (or at least four more than I knew about) when I started school two years ago, so I consider this great progress. Blog on, GW profs, blog on!
Posted October 8, 2005 10:47 AM | law school meta-blogging