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The World Is Your Bathroom
I forgot to mention yesterday that one of the bits of advice I've heard about running the marathon is that you should never ever ever waste time waiting in a portapotty line. Real runners don't do this, apparently. Instead, they try to find a more or less discrete bush or something and just go. Women are advised to carry with them a large black garbage bag; punch a hole in the bottom and pull it over your head like a poncho, then just squat beneath it and do your business. That's the advice, but I have no idea how many people follow it. I just hope I won't have to pee during the race. On our “practice marathon” a couple of weeks ago this wasn't a problem, but I have seen from our group runs what a time suck bathroom stops can be so I definitely want to avoid or minimize them.
Posted October 24, 2005 11:30 AM | marathon
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This year's MCM will be my third. Every year, the first five miles or so will be spent with (mostly) men jumping off course and peeing in the bushes... the further down the course, the less bashful they become about their location. Be prepared to see a lot of family jewels along the course.
It's good times.
Posted by: Taking a Limit at October 24, 2005 02:33 PM
Don't bother with the plastic bag. Wear shorts and you won't need to remove any clothing. You'll be surprised how much a marathon makes you feel entitled to pee anywhere you want. Enjoy the rare moment. Have a great race.
Posted by: BostonRunner at October 24, 2005 09:51 PM
I've never really had to go, so I haven't had to deal with the problem. I have noticed that the better marathons have many more portapottys located along the course.
Posted by: Curtis at October 24, 2005 09:56 PM